Senior Janata Dal (United) leader KC Tyagi on Tuesday slammed the RJD for maligning the image of Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, saying the opposition only attacked and flayed him in the run up to the Bihar Assembly elections to score political mileage. Speaking to India TV, Tyagi said that the opposition leaders misinterpreted CM Nitish's remark on migrants and that he made the comments in accordance with the WHO rules and PM Narendra Modi's appeals during the coronavirus-induced lockdown.
The opposition parties in their election rallies criticised Nitish Kumar for his remark wherein he had appealed to the migrants living in the other states to stay where they were.
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"I express my gratitude towards the people of Bihar for showing faith in the JDU-BJP alliance," Tyagi added quickly.
When asked why the JD-U's performance is below their 2015 tally, the veteran leader said blamed the pandemic. "Be it America or Bihar, everyone is facing the heat of the pandemic," he said.
To a question about the LJP's exit from the NDA and denting his party's votes, Tyagi said that the "JD-U never contested elections with the LJP". The LJP was demanding more seats from the BJP.
"In 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015, and 2020... we (JDU and LJP) never contested elections together. We never discussed about the seats," he said, adding that the LJP's mission was to run a hate campaign against Nitish.
"The LJP was demanding 30-35 seats. No one pushed the LJP out of the alliance," he said while confessing that "yes, the party was at pain with the behaviour of the LJP".
When asked who will be the Chief Minister since the BJP has is projected to win more seats that the JDU, Tyagi said that the BJP president and the Prime Minister himself have declared that Nitish Kumar will be the CM, irrespective of the numbers. "He will stay as the Chief Minister."
Trends show that the BJP and JD(U) alliance will form the next government in Bihar. The BJP is projected to emerge as the single largest party as it leads on 72 seats. The JD-U is ahead on 48 seats. The grand alliance is leading in 105 seats.