Monday, June 03, 2024
  • film city to come up in goa in next three years govt

    Film city to come up in Goa in next three years: govt

    Bollywood | Jul 02, 2013, 01:19 PM IST

     Panaji, Jun 2: A film city would come up in Goa in the next three years, the state government said today. "We are planning a film city in Goa. Last year we could not start

  • goa to prevent negative films

    Goa To Prevent 'Negative' Films

    Bollywood | Jul 10, 2011, 04:25 PM IST

    Panaji, July 10:  Filmmakers who want to shoot in Goa will now have to pledge not to tarnish the Indian resort's reputation, a state government agency said on Wednesday.The Entertainment Society of Goa, which licenses
