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  • more than 80 killed in twin blasts inside syrian university

    More than 80 killed in twin blasts inside Syrian university

    World | Jan 16, 2013, 09:41 AM IST

    Beirut, Jan 16: Twin blasts inside a university campus in Syria's largest city on Tuesday set cars ablaze, blew the walls off dormitory rooms and left more than 80 people dead, anti-regime activists said. What

  • 80 killed in taliban twin attacks in pak

    80 Killed In Taliban Twin Attacks In Pak

    World | May 13, 2011, 03:40 PM IST

    Peshawar/Islamabad, May 13: Taliban suicide bombers today killed 80 people, mostly soldiers, at a paramilitary academy in northwest Pakistan, claiming it to be the "first revenge attack" for the slaying of al-Qaeda chief Osama bin
