Latest News CBSE Class 10, 12 board exam 2020 passing marks revised; check new score list, Students studying in class 10 and class 12 will now have to clear each component separately by obtaining 33 per cent marks in each of them, the latest CBSE circular said.
The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has introduced major changes in its assessment pattern for Class 10 and 12 examinations from 2020. The new CBSE examination assessment pattern is going to be applicable for lakhs of students appearing for CBSE Class 10 and Class 12 examinations in the upcoming 2020 exams to be held next year. Though CBSE has not yet announced the dates for CBSE Class 10 and Class 12 examinations yet, it has announced the dates for pre-board exams.
CBSE in an important notification issued has announced that the way it assesses the students has been revised. According to CBSE, the students will be assessed on the basis of marks scored in the board exams as well as Internal Assessment that would include marks obtained in the project and practicals. The Internal Assessment would be of 20 marks. A student is expected to score at least 6 marks to pass in the internal assessment.
What has changed in CBSE assessment for Class 10 & 12 exams
It would be important for students to get the passing marks --that stands at 33%-- even in the internal assessment. The assessment will be done by the teachers of the school but CBSE will appoint Board Supervisors to oversee the whole process. For students appearing for CBSE Class 10 exams the passing marks will be 33 per cent together. For students appearing for CBSE Class 12 exams in 2020, the passing percentage of 33 in internal assessment would also be applicable.
For students appearing in CBSE Class 12 exams, subjects such as English, Hindi and Maths have also been added in the purview of Internal Assessment. Students will have to sit for a written examination for 80 marks and get a minimum of 33% out of total 20 marks in the Internal Assessment.
The revised list of the assessment for both the classes has been released by the board, according to which, it is now mandatory for students to pass in each section of assessment per subject. For every subject, there are two to three assessment components, namely — theory and practice or project or internal assessment.
Students studying in class 10 and class 12 will now have to clear each component separately by obtaining 33 per cent marks in each of them, the latest CBSE circular said. For most of the subjects, the assessment is divided into theory and practical parts. While the practical calculates for 20 marks, the theory is for 80 marks.
As per the 33 per cent rule, candidates need to score 26 marks in theory, while they need 6 marks to pass in internal assessment (20 marks). A similar 6-mark passing rule applies to project work as well. For subjects where theory paper is for 70 marks, a candidate needs to score 23 to pass. In practicals, the candidate needs to score 9 out of 30 to pass.
CBSE also announced that pre-board exam for 2020 will be held between December 16 to December 30 and exams will be held in single shift.
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