Madhya Pradesh CM Shivraj Singh Chauhan on Saturday during a public address said that cows, cowdung, and urine of cows can be used to strengthen the economy of the state. Speaking at a convention of the women’s wing of the Indian Veterinary Association in Bhopal, Chouhan pointed out that the BJP government in MP has created several cowsheds or 'gaushalas' in the state.
"Only cowsheds can't be helpful unless the society unites together. Without cows and buffaloes, things can't function. If we try, cows, their dung and urine can help strengthen the economy of the state", he said.
Meanwhile, the CM also celebrated the renaming of Habibganj Railway Station in Bhopal after the Gond queen Rani Kamlapati. Members of his Cabinet, BJP MP Pragya Singh Thakur, and other party leaders & workers were also present.