Can Blueberries control diabetes & insulin sensitivity?
For a diabetic patient, it is very difficult to tackle sweet cravings. Since they cannot eat sweets, they often switch to fruits to quench their thirst. However, it is said that fruits can also harm the patient if consumed in excess. On the other hand, eating seasonal and locally available fruit has many health benefits ranging from reducing sugar and inflammation levels to fighting high blood pressure. The abundance of vitamins and minerals in the fruits help in weight loss and glucose processing and insulin sensitivity. Adding berries is one of the best ways to add variety to your diabetes-friendly diet. You can choose from blackberries, blueberries, or strawberries because all of them are power-packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and fibers.
According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA), blueberries are said to be a superfood for diabetic patients. They are packed with antioxidants like vitamins A, B, C, E, and minerals like iron, calcium, magnesium, and fiber. They not just promote the overall health of the body but also prevent diabetes.
Researchers report that consuming blueberries help pre-diabetic to improve insulin sensitivity, A study in The Journal of Nutrition claimed that 67 per cent of people who drank a blueberry smoothie twice a day for six weeks experienced a 10% or greater improvement in their insulin sensitivity, compared with 41% of people in the placebo smoothie group.
So, blueberries are highly recommended to add to your diet if you are a diabetic patient. However, always consult your doctor before making severe changes in your diet.