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  • Workout foods

    Are you a fitness freak? Know which superfoods you should eat before, after workout for best results

    Lifestyle | July 25, 2024 20:37 IST

    Know the essential superfoods to fuel your workouts and aid recovery. Learn which nutrient-packed options to eat before and after exercise for optimal performance and results.

  • Moringa Powder

    5 amazing health benefits of Moringa Powder, know ways to use this superfood

    Food | July 11, 2024 21:39 IST

    Know the top 5 health benefits of Moringa powder, a superfood packed with nutrients. Learn how to incorporate it into your daily diet for optimal wellness.

  • Chlorella

    Superfood Chlorella: Know THESE benefits of this Green Algae

    Food | June 22, 2024 12:08 IST

    In the world of superfoods, few can match the nutritional powerhouse that is chlorella. This green algae, which thrives in fresh water, has been hailed for its numerous health benefits, earning it a prominent spot in the wellness community.

  • Pineapple

    Superfood Pineapple: Know THESE 5 benefits of Ananas

    Food | June 13, 2024 14:24 IST

    The sunshine-y taste of pineapple isn't just delicious, it's packed with health benefits too! This tropical fruit, also known as ananas, has earned the title of "superfood" for a reason. Let's dive into 5 reasons why you should add pineapple to your diet.

  • Zucchini

    Superfood Zucchini: Know THESE 5 benefits of Summer Squash

    June 06, 2024 13:06 IST

    Zucchini, the summer squash, is a nutritional superstar offering a range of health benefits from supporting heart health to aiding in weight loss. Its versatility in the kitchen makes it an easy addition to your diet, whether you prefer it raw, cooked, or baked.

  • Pumpkin Seeds

    Superfoods Pepitas: Know THESE 5 benefits of Pumpkin Seeds

    June 05, 2024 17:42 IST

    Pepitas are a versatile ingredient that can be enjoyed in various ways. Sprinkle them on salads, yogurt, oatmeal, or soups for a crunchy and nutritious boost. You can also roast them for a delicious snack or blend them into smoothies for a creamy and protein-packed treat.

  • Freekeh

    Superfood Freekeh: Know THESE 5 benefits of Green Wheat

    June 04, 2024 15:31 IST

    Freekeh is a versatile grain that can be enjoyed in various ways. You can cook it like rice, add it to salads, soups, and stews, or use it as a stuffing for vegetables. With its impressive nutrient profile and potential health benefits, freekeh is a superfood worth adding to your diet.

  • Rosehip

    Superfood Rosehip: Know THESE 5 benefits of Hipberry

    May 31, 2024 7:41 IST

    Rosehips can be enjoyed in various ways. You can brew them into a tart and tangy tea, add them to jams and jellies, or consume them in powdered form. Remember, some processing methods can destroy vitamin C, so opt for fresh or minimally processed rosehips whenever possible.

  • Apple

    Superfood Apples: Know THESE 5 benefits of Seb

    May 30, 2024 6:35 IST

    An apple a day might not keep the doctor entirely away, but there's a reason this saying has endured. Apples are packed with nutrients and offer a range of health benefits. Here are five reasons to incorporate this crunchy fruit into your diet.

  • Banana

    Superfood Banana: Know THESE 5 benefits of Kela

    May 29, 2024 6:41 IST

    The banana, a ubiquitous fruit found in grocery stores worldwide, is more than just a tasty and convenient snack. Packed with essential nutrients, bananas offer a surprising array of health benefits. Here are five reasons to add this sunshine-coloured fruit to your diet.

  • Boysenberry

    Superfood Boysenberry: Know THESE 5 benefits of Newberry

    May 28, 2024 6:48 IST

    Boysenberries, those plump and juicy berries with a sweet-tart flavour, aren't just a treat for your taste buds. Packed with essential nutrients and antioxidants, they offer a surprising range of health benefits.

  • Cashews

    Superfood Cashews: Know THESE 5 benefits of Kaju

    May 24, 2024 6:59 IST

    Cashews are more than merely a delicious snack; they are a nutrient-rich powerhouse with substantial health benefits. While often classified as tree nuts and nutritionally similar to them, cashews are technically seeds.

  • Wheat Germ

    Superfood Wheat Germ: Know THESE 5 benefits of Sprouted Wheat

    May 21, 2024 6:42 IST

    Wheat germ, though small, is a mighty source of nutrition. It has a nutty, slightly sweet taste that enhances many dishes. Add it to yoghurt, oatmeal, or cereal for extra crunch and nutrients. Mix it into muffins and cookies, or blend it into smoothies for added protein and healthy fats.

  • Red Rice

    Superfood Red Rice: Know THESE 5 benefits of Matta Rice

    May 20, 2024 6:38 IST

    There's a new grain in town taking the health world by storm - red rice. This ruby-red coloured grain isn't just visually appealing, it's packed with a powerful punch of nutrients that can significantly boost your well-being.

  • Acerola

    Superfood Acerola: Know THESE 5 benefits of Barbados Cherry

    May 19, 2024 10:38 IST

    The acerola, also known as the Barbados cherry, is a tiny fruit with a big reputation. This tropical treasure is being hailed as a superfood, and for good reason! Packed with nutrients and boasting an impressive amount of vitamin C, acerola offers a range of health benefits.

  • Celeriac

    Superfood Celeriac: Know THESE 5 benefits of Knob Celery

    May 18, 2024 12:49 IST

    Celeriac might not be the most glamorous vegetable on the shelf, but its impressive health benefits make it a worthy addition to any diet. Give celeriac a try and discover a new favourite superfood!

  • Agave Nector

    Superfood Agave: Know THESE 5 benefits of Maguey Syrup

    May 16, 2024 8:19 IST

    Agave nectar can be a suitable substitute for refined sugar in moderation. It boasts a lower glycemic index and may offer some prebiotic properties. However, it's still a form of sugar, and consuming excessive amounts can be detrimental to your health.

  • Nutmeg

    Superfood Nutmeg: Know THESE 5 benefits of Jaiphal

    May 15, 2024 10:00 IST

    Nutmeg, the warm and aromatic spice gracing our pumpkin pies and eggnogs, offers more than just a culinary kick. This versatile spice boasts a surprising array of health benefits thanks to its unique composition of vitamins, minerals, and plant compounds.

  • Nettles

    Superfood Nettles: Know THESE 5 benefits of Bichhua Pattee

    May 14, 2024 8:15 IST

    The stinging nettle, despite its name, offers a surprising abundance of health benefits. Used for centuries in various cultures, this leafy green is packed with nutrients and may offer relief from a surprising range of ailments.

  • Superfood Ice Apple

    Superfood Ice Apple: Know 5 benefits of eating Tadgola in summer

    May 13, 2024 10:48 IST

    Superfood ice apple is a perfect fruit to beat the heat and quench your thirst on a hot summer day. The juicy and fleshy fruit is filled with natural electrolytes, making it an ideal fruit to stay hydrated in the summer heat. Know a few health benefits.
