The air quality of various Indian states has gone to worse now in the latest readings. The poor air quality leads to several diseases and harms the lungs. The lungs are a very important part of the body. Along with breathing, it is the job of the lungs to expel polluted and harmful smoke from the body. Healthy lungs can help protect us from many types of diseases, like asthma, and pneumonia. Due to Corona epidemic and increasing pollution, our lungs are becoming weak. A healthy diet is necessary to keep the lungs healthy. Have a look at these 7 Indian foods to protect your lungs from damage and keep them healthy.
These Indian foods are helpful in keeping lungs healthy
1. Walnut
Omega 3 fatty acids and phytoestrogens are found in abundance in walnuts. Omega 3 fatty acids can help protect our heart and blood vessels and lungs.
2. Ginger
An element called gingerol is found in ginger which is helpful in reducing cough. The nutrients found in ginger can help in removing inflammation and infection from the lungs.
3. Spinach
Beta carotene, zeaxanthin, lutein, and chlorophyll are found in spinach. This has proven helpful in increasing our immunity. Chlorophyll, which gives green color to spinach leaves, is a very strong antioxidant, which can help in keeping the lungs healthy.
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4. Foods containing Vitamin C
Vitamin C is considered very beneficial for the body. Immunity can be strengthened by the consumption of Vitamin C. Lungs can be kept healthy by consuming foods rich in Vitamin C like Amla, lemon, orange, etc.
5. Turmeric
The curcumin element found in turmeric is considered very helpful in fighting cancer. Curcumin has anti-inflammatory properties, which can help prevent any swelling and inflammation caused by pollution in the lungs.
6. Fenugreek
Fenugreek reduces the risk of lung problems and infections. If you have trouble breathing, you can consume fenugreek. You can also use fenugreek in the form of tea or fenugreek water.
7. Apple
Daily consumption of apples is considered beneficial for health. Many nutrients are found in apples including vitamin C, fiber, and potassium which can help in keeping the lungs and the entire body healthy.