How to get rid of dark underarms, knees and elbows
Dark underarms, knees, and elbows are one of the most common problems, we often complain about. The direct exposure to the ultraviolet rays of the Sun often leads to tanning, skin breakout and dullness of the skin. The collagen of the skin washes off, making the skin dull and lifeless. The darkness of skin also occurs due to the accumulation of the dead skin cells. A good skin care routine can help in lightening the dark skin areas. There are a lot of skincare products available in the market. However, the best solution to get rid of dark skin area is to try on some natural ways.
Here are some natural ways to lighten the dark underarms, elbows, and knees
Use papaya and honey to lighten dark skin
Mash some papaya and add a teaspoon full of honey. Make a paste and apply to your dark skin area. Leave it for 20 minutes and then wash your skin with plain water. Make sure you moisturize your skin afterward. Repeat this procedure for a week and you will notice the difference.
Rose water and gram flour
Make a paste of gram flour and rose water. Add some lemon juice if you have oily skin. Mix the ingredients well. Now apply the same to your dark underarms, knees, and elbows. Leave it for half an hour and then wash it off with cold water. Apply some skin serum afterward.
Potato Juice
Potatoes are full of antioxidants and help to even out the skin tone. You can grate a raw potato to extract some juice. Rub the juice onto your problematic area. Leave it for 20-30 minutes. Now, wash it off with lukewarm water and notice the difference.
Baking soda scrub
Baking soda helps to even out the uneven skin tone. Make a paste of baking soda, lemon juice, and water. Apply it to your dark underarms, knees, and elbows. Let it stay for at least 15 minutes. Now rinse it off with plain water. Make sure you do not go harsh while scrubbing your skin.