To facilitate speedy dissemination of authenticated information related to the novel coronavirus, the Mizoram government has launched a comprehensive mobile app
containing various information and updates on COVID-19. State Information and Communication Technology (ICT) minister Robert Romawia Royte launched the mCOVID-19 mobile application on Friday.
Launching the new mobile app, Royte lauded the software engineers of the ICT department for developing such an innovative app within a short time. He said that the application will help administrators, frontline health workers, volunteers of taskforce at various levels and also decision-makers in providing the latest information on COVID-19.
The mCOVID-19 android application is developed in such a way as to suit the local requirement, he said. Apart from local updates, the application contains national and world-wide updates on the deadly virus in Mizo language, Royte said. mCOVID-19 contains the latest update of coronavirus basically on the status of Mizoram, India and the world, number of people quarantined, relief, suggestion column and authentic video related to coronavirus, among others.
The application could be downloaded from The state government on Friday also launched a helpline to address the problem of farmers during the
nationwide lockdown. Farmers can reach state Agriculture department on phone numbers 0389- 2311160 and 0389 2328564 between 10 am and 2 pm.