The deteriorating air quality is posing a great risk to the health of the Delhiites.
Delhi's pollution has become a new normal in the city with the air quality oscillating between 'poor' and 'very poor' category for a long time.
The deteriorating air quality is posing a great risk to the health of the Delhiites.
Earlier, the diabetes was thought to be a hereditary disease and mainly caused by unhealthy lifestyle but according to doctors the pollution increases the risk of contracting the disesase.
According to a new research by Washington University of Medicine, children are also vulnerable to diabetes owing to air pollution.
Scientists during their study focused on war veterans having no family history of diabetes and found out that some of them had diabetes due to exposure to pollution.
The study revealed that out of total cases of diabetes in 2016, 32 lakhs contracted the disease owing to pollution.
The pollutants present in air cause damage to pancreas in turn affecting secretion of insulin.
According to a recent report by World Health Organisation (WHO), India is one of the most polluted countries in the world with fourteen cities featuring on the list.
"Even children belonging to 10-15 age group have become diabetic owing to pollution," said a doctor to India TV.