Horoscope Today, November 23, 2023: Today is the Ekadashi date of Kartik Shukla Paksha and Thursday. Ekadashi tithi will last till 9:02 pm tonight. Vajra Yoga will last till 11:53 pm today afternoon. Also, Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra will remain till 5:16 pm today. Apart from this, the Devotthani Ekadashi fast will be observed today. Know from Acharya Indu Prakash how the day of November 23 will be for you and by what measures you can make this day better.
Today will be a favorable day for you. You should maintain balance in your speech and behavior so that the atmosphere at home will remain good. There will be sweetness in married life. You will get support from your spouse. Those who are unmarried, their relationship will soon become final. Those who work have chances of promotion and transfer. There are chances of students of this zodiac sign going abroad for higher education. Today you may also get some good news from a relative. Stay active, meditate and change your lifestyle, you will feel good.
Today will be a good day for you. Today you can plan to start some new work with one of your relatives, which will help in expanding your business and increase your sources of income. You will get full support from the family. The day is favorable for officers working in the government sector. A positive atmosphere will be created in the office regarding them. Students preparing for competitive exams will remain busy in their studies. Mutual love will increase in married life. Today is going to be a great day for people doing clothes business.
Today will prove to be auspicious and fruitful for you. If you are working in the private sector, then you may get some such projects in which your talent will shine in front of everyone and you will get an opportunity to work on a foreign project. The day is normal for doing business, the financial situation is likely to be good. Students studying in college will complete some of their work with the help of their seniors. Today is a favorable day for lovemates. There will be happiness in married life, you will help each other in household chores so that the work will be completed quickly and you can also go to watch a movie with the children. In winter, go out of the house only wearing warm clothes, your health will remain fine.
Today your day will be better than before. You can decide to renovate your house, about which you have been thinking for a long time. There is a possibility of going to some function with the family, you will meet relatives there, you will remain busy due to people coming and going, there is a possibility of some expenditure also. The situation will be fine from business and economic point of view. Today you will get a project from a big company, this project can also change your luck, you will get a lot of happiness from it. Today is going to be a good day for students.
Today will be a day full of enthusiasm for you. For those who are married today, the obstacles coming in the way of having a child will be removed and their wish is likely to be fulfilled. The business class will see progress in business and new customers will join. People working in the private sector will get some relief from work at the workplace today and the day will be good. Students doing post graduation today will think of doing something new which can bring progress in their career. Married people will have a happy life and will get support from their spouse. Your health will be good today.
Today will be a great day for you. You will give your full attention to business development, prepare future strategy and invest some money with a friend. This will prove beneficial for you in future. Today some auspicious program may also be organized at your home, due to which the atmosphere of the house will remain spiritual. Your family's respect in the neighborhood will increase. The situation of employed people will be normal. You should work together with your colleagues. Today school students will be more interested in sports competitions organised in the school. Will also win some medals. In married life, relations with your spouse will be good. You will also spend some time with the children and will also have dinner together, this will keep the atmosphere at home full of harmony.
Today you will think of learning something new or doing something new. Your boss at work will be happy with your work, you may be assigned a new project. There are signs of unexpected success and profits in business. The family atmosphere will be happy, you can go on a religious trip somewhere with your family. Your health will be fine. If you are preparing for any competitive exam, then it is a good day, you will get opportunities and you will get to experience something new. Students studying in school today will try to take a concrete decision regarding their career and in which field to move forward. The family atmosphere will remain happy. Do pranayam to calm the mind, you will feel good.
Today you will experience peace. Today your family atmosphere will remain spiritual. Mutual understanding will increase in married life, make your behavior restrained and sweet, it will be very good. If you do business, there are chances of profit today, if you have invested somewhere, then there are signs of profit from there. People doing private jobs will get financial benefits, you will feel happy working in a positive environment in the office today. Those studying in college will think about their future career and can join a course to learn a foreign language. You will listen to motivational speeches to bring self-confidence.
Today you will start the day happily. The family atmosphere will be pleasant. You have not gone out anywhere for a long time, so today you can plan to go somewhere with your family members, you will spend more of your time at home. If you want to invest some of your money, be sure to take advice from family. This will prove beneficial for your business. Today you should think about finding a new job. There is a possibility of a small guest coming to the house. Take special care of your diet and health.
Today your day will be full of happiness and peace and you will see an increase in mutual love and trust among the family members. If your children are still in school, then something about them will make you very happy and you will also try to do something special for them, this will increase the mutual love between you two. The day is favorable for those who are associated with fashion or media. You will get some good opportunities. Students studying engineering will feel relieved after completing a difficult project today. Those who want to marry the person of their choice, then talk to their parents about their feelings, there are chances of getting approval today. Pay attention to proper eating habits for the health of yourself and your spouse.
Today your day will be full of freshness. Today you will feel physically healthy and energetic. If you are involved in marketing, today you will get new customers and you will get good benefits from it. Some important agreements made in business today may prove beneficial in the future. You will get full support from your colleagues in your workplace, which will make your work a little lighter and you will remain happy. Those who appear for government jobs will get good news, there is a possibility of getting good results. Today is a favorable day for lovemates.
Today is a day that brings opportunities for you. Today you can go out somewhere for some home related work. The family atmosphere will be happy. If any matter is stuck from business point of view, it can be finalized today. Today is a good day for job seekers, there are chances of getting a call from somewhere. You will definitely get opportunities if you remain active. Students pursuing higher education will establish new dimensions for themselves. Married life will be happy and peaceful. Students studying medicine will get a chance to do internship with a big doctor today.