Uttar Pradesh crime: In a shocking incident, two bombs were hurled at the BJP leader son's car in Uttar Pradesh's Prayagraj district on Friday. However, no casualties were reported as the car's occupants, the BJP leader's son and his friend had a narrow escape.
According to reports, the incident occurred when BJP leader Vijaylakshmi Chandel's 20-year-old son, Vidhan, was travelling to his maternal Aunt's home on Thursday night. At least six youths riding on two bikes hurled bombs at the Safari car in Prayagraj's Jhusi area. A constable's son is also said to be one of the accused in the matter, sources added.
Following the incident, Chandel, a district-level leader and village head in Thanapur Gram Sabha, filed a case at the Jhusi police station.
Bombing with intent to kill
Meanwhile, the incident has been captured on CCTV camera showing the car got damaged due to the bombing. It is alleged that Vidhan had an argument with Shivam Yadav, son of constable Shiv Bachan Yadav, posted in Kaushambi a few days back.
However, later the constable and his son went to the BJP leader's house and apologized. Despite this, the car was bombed with the intention of killing Chandel's son, the sources added.
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