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  • once a film is over friendship is also over nargis fakhri

    Once a film is over friendship is also over: Nargis Fakhri

    Bollywood | March 02, 2014 10:22 IST

    Mumbai: US-born actress Nargis Fakhri says she is still learning the ropes of making it big in Mumbai's entertainment world, where people are “best friends” with a person till they have work. “Once a film

  • post rockstar i was clueless nargis fakhri

    Post 'Rockstar', I was clueless: Nargis Fakhri

    Bollywood | August 27, 2013 15:32 IST

    Mumbai: US-born Nargis Fakhri, whose poised confident screen presence and a deep understanding of her role in Shoojit Sircar's "Madras Cafe" is winning praise for her, says she was "clueless" after her Bollywood debut "Rockstar".The

  • i wish i would ve learnt urdu nargis fakhri

    I wish I would've learnt Urdu: Nargis Fakhri

    Bollywood | July 30, 2013 15:16 IST

    Mumbai, July 30: Actress Nargis Fakhri says she is "adapting" and "adjusting" in Bollywood by working on her Hindi diction every day, but she wishes she would have learnt Urdu during her younger days.Nargis used

  • madras cafe will re launch nargis shoojit sircar

    'Madras Cafe' will re-launch Nargis: Shoojit Sircar

    Bollywood | July 19, 2013 15:50 IST

    Mumbai, July 19: Filmmaker Shoojit Sircar has roped in Nargis Fakhri for "Madras Cafe" and says that he is re-launching her in filmdom with his movie on terrorism.She made her Bollywood debut with hit musical

  • bomber as rock star rolling stone cover outrage

    Bomber as rock star? Rolling Stone cover outrage

    World | July 18, 2013 11:54 IST

    New York, Jul 18: A Rolling Stone story on Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is generating controversy even before it hits stores, with critics saying the cover photo glamorizes an accused killer and some

  • nargis fakhri enjoys malvani food

    Nargis Fakhri enjoys Malvani food

    Bollywood | May 27, 2013 14:19 IST

    Nargis Fakhri is a foodie, and loves trying out various cuisines. While on a recent visit to Pune, she didn't miss a chance to gorge on some authentic Malvani food.The "Rockstar" actress recently tweeted about

  • ranbir kapoor keen to work on small screen

    Ranbir Kapoor keen to work on small screen

    Bollywood | May 22, 2013 12:16 IST

    Mumbai, May 22: Actor Ranbir Kapoor, who has wowed everyone with his scintillating performances on the big screen in films like "Rockstar" and "Barfi!", is eager to show his acting skills on the small screen

  • i wanted highway to be my first film imtiaz ali

    I wanted 'Highway' to be my first film: Imtiaz Ali

    Bollywood | May 08, 2013 9:50 IST

    New Delhi, May 8 : Over the years, Imtiaz Ali got busy directing romances like ‘Socha Na Tha', ‘Jab We Met' and Rockstar' but finally he is happy to revisit his dream story in his

  • ranbir kapoor detained fined for customs violation

    Ranbir Kapoor detained, fined for customs violation

    Bollywood | May 04, 2013 20:05 IST

    Mumbai, May 4: Bollywood actor Ranbir Kapoor was today detained and fined about Rs 60,000 on undeclared branded personal goods he was carrying at the Mumbai International airport, a customs official said.The 30-year-old actor was

  • nargis will play the role of journalist in madras cafe

    Nargis will play the role of journalist in "Madras Cafe"

    Bollywood | January 02, 2013 13:22 IST

    Mumbai, Jan 2 : Nargis Fakhri, who made her acting debut with "Rockstar", will now be seen in Shoojit Sircar's "Madras Cafe". The filmmaker says she will surprise everyone in the role of a journalist."Nargis

  • i wish i was part of rockstar deepika

    I wish, I was part of 'Rockstar': Deepika

    Bollywood | December 23, 2012 17:08 IST

    Mumbai, Dec 23: If Deepika Padukone is satisfied after doing romantic comedy "Cocktail" in 2012, she wishes she had been part of the Ranbir Kapoor starrer 2011 musical hit "Rockstar"."I am more than happy I

  • rock star billy idol plays for fan on his birthday

    Rock star Billy Idol plays for fan on his birthday

    Hollywood | October 29, 2012 13:43 IST

    Seattle, Oct 29: A Seattle man had a dream literally came true when British rock legend Billy Idol played at his 26th birthday party.Michael Henrichsen spent two years persuading the rock icon to play his

  • my films aren t experiments they re special ranbir

    My films aren't experiments, they're special: Ranbir

    Bollywood | October 15, 2012 13:30 IST

    Mumbai, Oct 15 : He played a rockstar in one, and a deaf and mute man in another, but actor Ranbir Kapoor says he does not like these movies being termed experimental."The films that I

  • why did nargis fakhri cry

    Why did Nargis Fakhri cry?

    Bollywood | September 29, 2012 12:31 IST

    Mumbai, Sep 29: Actress Nargis Fakhri paid her obeisance at the famous Andheri Ka Raja Ganapati here, but the atmosphere moved her to tears."I'm very emotional and I think that being here (Andheri Ke Raja

  • barfi boy ranbir turns 30 today

    'Barfi' boy Ranbir turns 30 today

    Bollywood | September 28, 2012 11:30 IST

    New delhi, Sep 28: Sweetening each spectators' mouth with delicious “Barfee”, Ranbir Kapoor has turned 30 today and is looking in a fine tune to move ahead.Born to a filmy family, Ranbir is the son

  • i never wanted to be an actress nargis fakhri

    I never wanted to be an actress: Nargis Fakhri

    Bollywood | September 20, 2012 14:36 IST

    New Delhi, Sep 20 : Nargis Fakhri says she was never inclined towards acting, but the "beautiful" script of "Rockstar", her debut movie, propelled her to change her mind."I wasn't supposed to be an actress,

  • rishi kapoor finds flaws in son ranbir s flicks

    Rishi Kapoor finds flaws in son Ranbir's flicks

    Bollywood | September 17, 2012 12:11 IST

    Mumbai, Sep 17:  Barfi boy Ranbir may be delighting the audience with his performance with critics among his legion of admirers, but Papa Rishi Kapoor is not satisfied. Rishi Kapoor, who created a rage among the

  • kya hua...tera vada ranbir nargis fakhri ignore each other

    Kya hua...tera vada, Ranbir, Nargis Fakhri ignore each other

    Bollywood | June 12, 2012 12:24 IST

    Singapore : Ranbir Kapoor and Nargis Fakhri were present at a party organized by Andre Timmins (one of the organisers of IIFA) . What left everyone stunned was that he completely ignored his alleged ex-flame Nargis

  • imtiaz ali on the lookout for new story post rockstar

    Imtiaz Ali on the lookout for new story post "Rockstar"

    Bollywood | May 28, 2012 14:33 IST

    New Delhi: Director Imtiaz Ali says he is yet to decide on his next film post the success of “Rockstar”.  The Ranbir Kapoor starrer film released in November last year and the “Jab We Met”

  • imtiaz ali presents dekh indian circus

    Imtiaz Ali presents 'Dekh Indian Circus'

    Bollywood | May 12, 2012 6:37 IST

    New Delhi : Director Imtiaz Ali, who is yet to begin his own film project post “Rockstar”, is all set to present Mangesh Hadawale's new movie “Dekh Indian Circus”.The film has already won the Best
