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  • after year s gap dhanush back on screen

    After year's gap, Dhanush back on screen

    Bollywood | Apr 30, 2013, 06:05 PM IST

    Chennai, April 30: After more than a year, the ever busy Tamil actor Dhanush will be seen on the silver screen in "Edhir Neechal".He was last seen in Tamil romantic-drama "3". Directed by his wife

  • love my hindi speaking dhanush aishwarya

    Love my Hindi-speaking Dhanush: Aishwarya

    Bollywood | Apr 25, 2013, 01:21 PM IST

    Chennai, April 25 : Tamil actor Dhanush's wife and brother are wowed by his debut Hindi movie "Raanjhnaa", which shows him speaking in Hindi.Praising her husband, who she had directed in "3", Aishwarya tweeted: "The

  • tuesday day for speaking hindi for dhanush

    Tuesday, day for speaking Hindi for Dhanush

    Bollywood | Apr 23, 2013, 04:35 PM IST

    Chennai, April 23: Tamil actor Dhanush has decided to speak in Hindi Tuesday because the trailer of his debut Hindi movie "Raanjhnaa" is set to release online midnight tonight."And it's a big day. 'Raanjhnaa' trailer

  • first poster dhanush sonam celebrate holi in raanjhnaa

    First poster: Dhanush, Sonam celebrate Holi in 'Raanjhnaa'

    Bollywood | Mar 28, 2013, 08:25 AM IST

    Chennai, Mar 28: The forthcoming intense love story ‘Raanjhnaa' has reached to the stage of Holi carnival where the co-stars Sonam Kapoor and Bollywood Debutant Dhanush appear to be indulging in romance with each other.Varanasi

  • dhanush to produce brother selvaraghavan s next tamil movie

    Dhanush to produce brother Selvaraghavan's next Tamil movie

    Bollywood | Mar 08, 2013, 12:21 PM IST

    Chennai, Mar 8:Southern actor Dhanush is set to produce his brother Selvaraghavan's next Tamil directorial venture under his home banner."Very proud to announce that Selvaraghavan will be directing his next film for my production house

  • dhanush s next film gets new title

    Dhanush's next film gets new title

    Bollywood | Jan 24, 2013, 12:41 PM IST

    Chennai, Jan 24: The title of Tamil actor Dhanush's new romantic-comedy "Sotta Vazhakutty" has been changed to "Naiyaandi", according to the director."It was earlier titled 'Sotta Vazhakutty' but now it has been changed to 'Naiyaandi'

  • dhanush excited about doing comedy in his upcoming movie

    Dhanush excited about doing comedy in his upcoming movie

    Bollywood | Jan 21, 2013, 11:43 AM IST

    Chennai,Jan 21:Tamil actor Dhanush is excited about doing comedy in his upcoming yet-to-be-tilted Tamil film with National Award winning director A Sargunam."Starting Sargunam's film from February 2nd week. It will be an out-and-out commercial entertainer.

  • dhanush s new song cost rs 50 lakhs to make

    Dhanush's new song cost Rs 50 lakhs to make

    Bollywood | Dec 15, 2012, 07:42 AM IST

    Thiruvanathapuram, Dec 15:A song picturised on Tamil actor Dhanush in Kammath & Kammath cost Rs 50 lakh, says producer Anto Joseph. Joseph says the movie, directed by Thomson, is made at a total budget of

  • india test fires prithvi s naval version dhanush

    India test-fires Prithvi's naval version Dhanush

    India | Oct 05, 2012, 09:48 PM IST

    Balasore (Odisha), Oct 5: India successfully test-fired nuclear capable Dhanush, the naval version of Prithvi short-range ballistic missile, from a warship off Odisha coast today.The indigenously developed naval version of the Prithvi short-range ballistic missile

  • sonam kapoor dhanush to begin shooting ranjhnaa in varanasi

    Sonam Kapoor, Dhanush to begin shooting Ranjhnaa in Varanasi

    Bollywood | Sep 04, 2012, 09:43 AM IST

    Varanasi: Bollywood actress Sonam Kapoor and Tamil actor Dhanush will start filming in Varanasi from today (September 4) for their film Raanjhnaa. The actors and the film's director Anand Rai arrived in Varanasi along with

  • rajinikanth s daughter upset with kolaveri dhanush s

    Rajinikanth's Daughter Upset With Kolaveri Dhanush's Closeness To Shruti

    Bollywood | Apr 04, 2012, 04:51 PM IST

    Chennai, Apr 4: Kolaveri Di singer Dhanush's marriage appears to be in trouble, says a media report. The film 3, which boasts of the viral craze Kolaveri Di, was being eagerly awaited not only for

  • dhanush to storm bolly world with aanand rai s raanjhana

    Dhanush To Storm Bolly World With Aanand Rai's 'Raanjhana'

    Bollywood | Mar 24, 2012, 01:17 PM IST

    New Delhi, Mar 24: “Tanu Weds Manu” director Aanand Rai, who has roped in ‘Kolaveri Di' hitmaker Dhanush for his next film, says the film will break the myth that actors from South do not

  • dhanush sings for sachin tendulkar

    Dhanush Sings For Sachin Tendulkar

    Cricket | Feb 04, 2012, 06:17 PM IST

    New Delhi, Feb 4: ‘Kolaveri Di' hitmaker Dhanush has taken the mic again. This time to salute master blaster Sachin Tendulkar through a music video.  The 28-year-old, who is riding high on the success of

  • even rajini couldn t predict kolaveri di s success

    Even Rajini Couldn't Predict Kolaveri Di's Success

    Bollywood | Nov 27, 2011, 06:53 PM IST

    Mumbai, Nov 27: Over three million hits on YouTube in eight days, and more than 8.2 million links shared on Facebook in less than a week — this is something that even superstar Rajini couldn't

  • never expected kolaveri di to become such a rage dhanush

    Never Expected 'Kolaveri Di' To Become Such A Rage : Dhanush

    Bollywood | Nov 23, 2011, 05:42 PM IST

    New Delhi, Nov 23: Tamil actor-singer Dhanush says he is overwhelmed by the response to his song ‘Kolaveri di', which has become a rage online, attracting fans like Amitabh Bachchan.The Tanglish (Tamil and English) song,

  • dhanush prithvi 2 to be testfired on saturday

    Dhanush, Prithvi-2 To Be Testfired On Saturday

    India | Mar 26, 2010, 07:46 PM IST

    Nuclear capable Dhanush and Prithvi-2 missile tests are likely to be conducted on Saturday, defence sources said in  Balasore, Orissa . "Agni-1, surface-to-surface single stage missile with 700 km range, will be taken up for
