WhatsApp, the instant messaging platform owned by Meta, is rolling out a new update for its Windows native app through the official beta channel on the Microsoft Store. This update includes a notable feature that simplifies starting chats with unknown phone numbers.
With this update, users can open a chat with an unknown contact without the need to add the phone number to their address book. This feature streamlines the process of initiating conversations and exchanging messages with people users may have recently met or received contact information from.
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How It Works
The new feature introduces a screen where users can enter a phone number, allowing them to promptly start a chat with someone not present in their contacts. The entry point for this feature is conveniently labeled "Phone number" on the New chat screen.
By enabling this feature, WhatsApp is taking a significant step to provide a more accessible option for users to quickly start conversations with unknown contacts.
Enhanced Privacy
Moreover, this feature also maintains a user's privacy. The current privacy settings that apply to known contacts are extended to conversations with unknown contacts. If the unknown number had been added to the address book, it would have automatically included the new phone number in the privacy settings.
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Beta Testing Phase
This feature is currently accessible to select beta testers who have installed the latest WhatsApp beta for Windows from the Microsoft Store. While not everyone may have received the update yet, it will gradually become available to more users in the days ahead.
This feature eliminates the hassle of adding temporary or unverified numbers to one's address book and maintains the platform's stringent privacy standards.