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  5. FIFA World Cup: Watch how football stars get creative in celebrating goals

FIFA World Cup: Watch how football stars get creative in celebrating goals

SAO PAULO :  Flying Dutchman Arjen Robben took off straight for the goal, ran around the back side of the net, then came sliding into the sideline on his knees. He spread his arms wide,

India TV News Desk Updated on: June 30, 2014 8:34 IST

"I would say overall everyone needs to put a little more commitment into whatever they're doing," offered professional dancer Cheryl Burke, who just completed her 17th season on the show and has been catching as many games as possible. "They could make it a little bit better by adding maybe a couple more moves or maybe even add some comedy to it, whether it's dipping a guy or twirling to the next set of guys."For Campbell, the goal served as a tribute.

"I'm going to have a son soon, which is why I celebrated my goal the way I did," he said. "Celebrating his arrival with a World Cup goal is the best thing that can happen to me. ... It brings me such happiness to be blessed to be a father. The celebration was for the baby and for all of the family."
Colombia's Pablo Armero performed a rhythmic dance he does at every chance, even for an Adidas ad. It became a sensation in Brazil called the "Armeration" after he started doing it while playing for the Brazilian club Palmeiras in 2010.


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