Monday, June 03, 2024

Veere Di Wedding: Kareena Kapoor Khan, Sonam Kapoor and Swara Bhaskar are true divas in these latest pictures

Learn it from Kareena Kapoor Khan, Sonam and Swara, to dress like a boss-lady.

India TV Lifestyle Desk Written by: India TV Lifestyle Desk [ Published on: May 19, 2018 20:03 IST ]
  • Kareena Kapoor Khan and her Veeres Sonam Kapoor and Swara Bhaskar are on a killer spree these days. The divas of Bollywood are busy promoting their upcoming film Veere Di Wedding. After flooring the audience with their glamorous presence, the ladies are killing us with their impeccable style during the promotional events 
    Image Source : Yogen Shah

    Kareena Kapoor Khan and her Veeres Sonam Kapoor and Swara Bhaskar are on a killer spree these days. The divas of Bollywood are busy promoting their upcoming film Veere Di Wedding. After flooring the audience with their glamorous presence, the ladies are killing us with their impeccable style during the promotional events 

  • Newlywed Sonam Kapoor was seen in a peach-coloured House of Kotwara outfit. She has been styled by her talented sister Rhea Kapoor and her makeup has been done by Namrata Soni.

    Newlywed Sonam Kapoor was seen in a peach-coloured House of Kotwara outfit. She has been styled by her talented sister Rhea Kapoor and her makeup has been done by Namrata Soni.

  • Sonam Kapoor recently got married to Anand Ahuja in a lavish ceremony in Mumbai. The wedding henna from her hands made headlines at Cannes 2018. 

    Sonam Kapoor recently got married to Anand Ahuja in a lavish ceremony in Mumbai. The wedding henna from her hands made headlines at Cannes 2018. 

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  • On the other hand, her Veere Kareena Kapoor Khan goes subtle in an Indo-Western dress by AJSK Gulabo. She wore large statement earrings adding definition to her face. 

    On the other hand, her Veere Kareena Kapoor Khan goes subtle in an Indo-Western dress by AJSK Gulabo. She wore large statement earrings adding definition to her face. 

  • Her hair was tied back in a sleek ponytail. 

    Her hair was tied back in a sleek ponytail. 

  • Swara Bhaskar was shining bright in the sunshine in a Puneete Balana white lehenga. It had a tie-back blouse with halter neck.  She donned a complete monochrome look, which gets an A-plus from our side. 

    Swara Bhaskar was shining bright in the sunshine in a Puneete Balana white lehenga. It had a tie-back blouse with halter neck.  She donned a complete monochrome look, which gets an A-plus from our side. 

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  • Swara struck a few poses before she proceeded for the promotional event. 

    Swara struck a few poses before she proceeded for the promotional event. 
