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  • 16 die in egypt riot after soccer violence verdict

    16 die in Egypt riot after soccer violence verdict

    Football | January 26, 2013 18:20 IST

    Cairo, Jan 26: An Egyptian court sentenced 21 people to death Saturday on charges related to one of the world's deadliest incidents of soccer violence, touching off an attempted jailbreak and a riot that killed

  • 25 people killed in egypt building collapse

    25 people killed in Egypt building collapse

    World | January 17, 2013 7:19 IST

    Cairo, Jan 17: At least 25 people were killed and 12 others injured when an eight-storey apartment building collapsed in Egypt's coastal city of Alexandria yesterday, police said.The building housing 24 families collapsed in the

  • egypt building collapse kills three

    Egypt building collapse kills three

    World | January 16, 2013 15:40 IST

    Cairo, Jan 16: At least three people were killed and seven injured when an eight-storey building collapsed in the Egyptian city Alexandria Wednesday, Xinhua reported.The building was illegally constructed on a narrow street. Though it

  • egypt appeals court orders mubarak retrial

    Egypt appeals court orders Mubarak retrial

    World | January 14, 2013 15:45 IST

    Cairo, Jan 14 : A Cairo appeals court on Sunday overturned Hosni Mubarak's life sentence and ordered a retrial of the former Egyptian president for failing to prevent the killing of hundreds of protesters during

  • mideast storm forces egypt s ports to close

    Mideast storm forces Egypt's ports to close

    World | January 09, 2013 18:20 IST

    Cairo,Jan 9: Egyptian authorities have closed down several ports due to torrential rains, strong winds and low visibility that also disrupted Suez Canal operations over the past three days.Egypt's official MENA news agency said on

  • uneasy calm after violence in egypt crisis lingers

    Uneasy calm after violence in Egypt, crisis lingers

    World | December 08, 2012 19:44 IST

    Cairo, Dec 8: Amid a lingering political crisis in Egypt, an uneasy calm prevailed on the streets here after massive overnight protests against a constitutional decree that gave sweeping powers to President Mohammed Mursi.  There

  • more protests in egypt as mursi remained defiant

    More protests in Egypt, as Mursi remained defiant

    World | December 07, 2012 16:41 IST

    Cairo, Dec 7 :  Egypt braced for a new round of demonstrations after a defiant Islamist President Mohamed Mursi showed no signs of a compromise on his controversial decree which granted him sweeping powers and

  • egyptian papers suspend publication in protest

    Egyptian papers suspend publication in protest

    World | December 04, 2012 17:24 IST

    Cairo, Dec 4: Several independent Egyptian newspapers suspended publication on Tuesday as protesters prepared for marches amid mounting anger over the hurried drafting of the country's new constitution adopted by an Islamist-led panel.The media protest

  • egypt s highest court joins judicial strike

    Egypt's highest court joins judicial strike

    World | December 03, 2012 14:06 IST

    Cairo, Dec 3: Egypt's highest court joined a judicial rebellion against President Mohammed Morsi on Sunday by declaring an open-ended strike on the day it was supposed to rule on the legitimacy of two key

  • massive pro mursi demonstrations in egypt

    Massive pro-Mursi demonstrations in Egypt

    World | December 01, 2012 22:16 IST

    Cairo, Dec 1: Tens of thousands of people carrying Egyptian flags and pictures of Mohammad Mursi took to the streets today as a show of support to the President and his Islamist policies as Egypt

  • violence erupt across egypt as president morsi defends new

    Violence erupt across Egypt as President Morsi defends new powers

    World | November 23, 2012 23:43 IST

    Cairo, Nov 23: Thousands of opponents of Egypt's Islamist President Mohamed Morsi clashed with his supporters in cities across the country on Friday, burning several offices of the Muslim Brotherhood.These are the most violent and

  • egypt says raids would end death toll in gaza 122

    Egypt says raids would end; death toll in Gaza 122

    World | November 20, 2012 21:56 IST

    Gaza City, Nov 20: Fresh exchange of fire between Israel and Hamas continued unabated amid intensified international diplomatic efforts, with Egypt saying that Israeli “aggression” would end today, as a week of incessant raids claimed

  • 40 kids dead in egypt train bus collision

    40 kids dead in Egypt train-bus collision

    World | November 17, 2012 16:15 IST

    Cairo, Nov 17: At least 47 people, including 40 school children, were killed in Egypt Saturday when a train collided with the bus in which the pupils were travelling, media reports said.The crash took place

  • al qaida calls for attacks on us diplomats

    Al-Qaida calls for attacks on US diplomats

    World | September 18, 2012 17:14 IST

    Cairo, Sep18: Al-Qaida's branch in North Africa on Tuesday called for attacks on US diplomats and an escalation of protests against an anti-Islam video that was produced in the United States and triggered a wave

  • mursi sacks tantawi in surprise egypt announcement

    Mursi sacks Tantawi in surprise Egypt announcement

    World | August 12, 2012 22:16 IST

    Cairo, Aug 12: Egyptian President Mohammed Mursi today sacked the powerful Army chief and his No 2 and annulled a constitutional amendment issued by the generals, in a drastic move by the new-to-power Islamists to

  • egypt president vows to retake control of sinai from

    Egypt president vows to retake control of Sinai from jihadists

    World | August 06, 2012 19:57 IST

    Cairo/Jerusalem, Aug 6:  Hours after ‘jihadists' gunmen killed 16 Egyptian guards at a border cheek-post, the country's Islamist President Mohammed Mursi today ordered the army to retake full control of the lawless Sinai.  After chairing

  • egypt s islamic tv channel caters to fully veiled women

    Egypt's Islamic TV channel caters to fully veiled women

    World | July 25, 2012 15:41 IST

    Cairo, Jul 25: The only visible female face in the Cairo-based studio of a new Islamic TV channel for women is that of a puppet. The human stars are all veiled from head to toe,

  • most arab states start ramadan today

    Most Arab states start Ramadan today

    World | July 22, 2012 14:39 IST

    Dubai, Jul 22:Friday will be the first day of the the holy month of Ramadan in most Arab countries, religious authorities announced on Thursday.Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, the United Arab Emirates and

  • 10 killed in high rise collapse in egypt

    10 killed in high-rise collapse in Egypt

    World | July 15, 2012 19:14 IST

    Alexandria (Egypt), Jul 15: Egypt's Health Ministry says 10 people have been killed when an apartment tower under construction collapsed on adjacent buildings in the Mediterranean city of Alexandria.The ministry said Sunday that five other

  • us role in post mubarak egypt still unclear

    US role in post-Mubarak Egypt still unclear

    World | July 15, 2012 17:55 IST

    Cairo, Jul 15: Having pressed the new Egyptian president, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton on Sunday sought to mobilize what influence the United States still has with the army chief whose key role
