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Who is Mamata Banerjee?

One woman army – this is how Mamata Banerjee, the mercurial Chief Minister of West Bengal, can be described in short. Mamata has the distinction of achieving what was supposed to be next to impossible

Raj Singh Updated on: April 30, 2014 16:17 IST

Political Career:

Mamta had her baptisation into politics when she joined Congress party in early 1970s. She was noticed quickly and was made general secretary of mahila congress.

Her moment of fame arrived when she defeated the veteran communist leader Somnath Chatterjee from Jadavpur Lok Sabha constituency in 1984 general elections.

She lost 1989 election due to anti-congress wave sweeping the state in the aftermath of Bofors scandal.

In 1991 general elections, she shifted to Calcutta south Lok sabha constituency and emerged victorius. She retained the seat in the1996, 1998, 1999, 2004 and 2009 general elections.

In 1991, she was appointed Union Minister of State for Human Resources Development, Youth Affairs and Sports, and Women and Child Development in Narasimha Rao government.

While Mamta fought Lok Sabha elections and served in the Union cabinet, her eyes were always set on Bengal politics.

Naional politics, to Mamata, was just a mean to achieve her bigger goal of dethroning the left front government in Bengal.

In 1993, she was relieved of her ministry as she fell out with Congress leadership on matters relating to internal politics of West Bengal.

At this juncture, Mamata got isolated in the party. She accused the congress party of reducing itself to the B-tam of CPM.

Mamata refused to be intimidated by CPM goons who attacked her on a few occasions.

In 1991, Lalu Alam, a CPM activist, attacked her physically and her leg was fractured.

In 1993, when Mamata Banerjee was protesting in front of the then Chief Minister Jyoti Basu's office, she was physically hackled and thrown out of state secretariat Writer's Building.


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