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10 controversial books of all times

Written texts have always been a good source of knowledge. During early stages of civilization people wanted to develop something that could keep their writings safe for centuries.  To make their dream come true, they

PTI Updated on: December 06, 2012 12:04 IST
4. The Anarchist Cookbook – William Powell – (1971)

This 1971 cult classic is a guerrilla how-to book that provides strategies useful for activists — including violent activists. It covers several sections that describe organizing demonstrations, sabotage, affinity groups, stenciling, and other topics like supporting survivors of domestic violence and mental health.

This book angered government officials and anarchist groups felt it misrepresented anarchist ideals. Others criticized the book for the bomb-making recipes, which they said were dangerously inaccurate.

Later, when Powell was older, he tried to censor his own book and said that this book was “a misguided product of my adolescent anger at the prospect of being drafted and sent to Vietnam to fight in a war that I did not believe in.”


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