Olympic medalist wrestler Sushil Kumar has surrendered in Delhi's Tihar Jail, according to media reports. The athlete was accused of beating to death a former junior national wrestling champion Sagar Dhankar over two years ago. Kumar, along with a some others, has been accused of assaulting Sagar Dhankar and his friends Jai Bhagwan and Bhagat in the parking lot of the city's Chhatrasal stadium on May 4, 2021 over an alleged property dispute.
Dhankar later succumbed to injuries following which Kumar was arrested.
Earlier on July 19, the veteran wrestler was granted interim bail by Delhi's Rohini court for a week from July 23 to July 30. The wrestler was granted one-week bail for knee surgery and was asked to surrender before the jail authorities on July 30. The bail was granted on furnishing bail of Rs One Lakh along with two sureties in the like amount.
ALSO READ | Delhi court grants one-week interim bail to Olympian Sushil Kumar in junior wrestler murder case
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