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Trampolining: Jump your way to achieve fit body

London: Everyone likes to be fit but there are just a few who want to hit gym to get back in shape. If you're one of those, then trampolining might be just the thing for

PTI Updated on: January 10, 2014 11:20 IST

Seat drop:

* How to do it: Jump high into the air. As you start to fall, keep your back straight and extend your legs so that they are stretched out together, in front of you. This should look like a sitting position. Position your arms to the side of you.

Your hands should be next to your hips and your palms facing down. As you fall, stay in this position and use your palms and the momentum of the movement to propel you up, back into the air. As you start to move upwards, start to straighten your legs back up into the standing position and repeat.

To see results, you need to be doing at least 15 minutes of jumping 4-5 times a week and to increase this as your fitness improves.


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