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China replies to US on COVID lab leak theory: 'Already contributed immensely to global virus tracing research'

The critical remarks from Beijing came as the US Department of Energy reassessed the theory of lab leaks and reclaimed that the lethal virus leaked from a lab in China's Wuhan city in 2019.

Written By: Ajeet Kumar @Ajeet1994 New Delhi Updated on: February 28, 2023 20:25 IST
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Image Source : FREEPIK Representational Image

China COVID origin: A day after the United States released a report in which it reiterated that the COVID virus leaked from a lab in China, the latter has refuted the claims and said it is "transparent" in the matter pertaining to the lethal virus. 

The critical remarks from Beijing came as the US Department of Energy reassessed the theory of lab leaks and reclaimed that the lethal virus leaked from a lab in China's Wuhan city in 2019. The US claimed that China did not make it public "deliberately", resulting in the killing of millions of people across the globe. 

Meanwhile, countering the claims, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning Mao, during a regular press briefing on Tuesday, asserted that the administration had already shared "ample data" and "research results" on the origin of the virus which eventually contributed to global virus tracing research.

"China had shared the most data and research results on virus tracing and made important contributions to global virus tracing research,” Mao told reporters. 

China slams US govt

Further, the spokesperson alleged Biden administration disseminating bogus claims on the virus to discredit China and added the action would only damage US's own credibility.

"Politicizing the issue of virus tracing will not smear China but will only damage the U.S.’s own credibility,"  Mao said, in response to complaints from US officials and members of Congress that China has not been entirely cooperative.

Her comments came amid continuing questions about how the virus that has killed more than 6.8 million people worldwide first emerged.

Multiple theories on the virus origin

It is worth mentioning that the virus engulfed the whole world in 2020-- months after it was first reported in China's Wuhan province. Since then, a number of theories have been reported in the media, wherein the maximum reports declared the virus originated from China. Meanwhile, many allege China has a big market for animals where mammals like bats and other spices have been sold in an open place. Multiple reports claimed that it had originated from the same region. However, China, on several occasions, rejected the theories. A team from the World Health Organisation had also visited the site but it did not publish any concrete report against Beijing. 

Also Read: Another blow to China: COVID-19 likely came from lab leak in Wuhan, claims US study



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