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  4. Preity Zinta

  • preity doles out health tips to fans

    Preity doles out health tips to fans

    Bollywood | March 18, 2013 13:40 IST

    Mumbai, March 18: Sleep well, early breakfast, exercise and much more came from actress Preity Zinta, who decided to utilise her Sunday by sharing some fitness tips with Twitteratis who are following her.The 38-year-old discussed

  • amitabh to ambani celebrated spielberg s oscar success

    Amitabh to Ambani celebrated Spielberg's Oscar success (watch pics)

    Bollywood | March 13, 2013 20:56 IST

    Mumbai, March 13: Bollywood biggies gathered together to celebrate the success of Oscar-winning director Steven Spielberg's flick ‘Lincoln' at a dinner organized by business tycoon Anil Ambani here on Tuesday evening. The party in Cuffe Parade,

  • ipl 2 irregularities ed records preity zinta s statement

    IPL-2 irregularities: ED records Preity Zinta's statement

    Bollywood | March 06, 2013 14:45 IST

    Mumbai, Mar 6 : Bollywood actress Preity Zinta was today questioned by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) in connection with the alleged irregularities in the conduct of the second season of the Indian Premier League.The ED

  • some unknown facts about preity zinta

    Some unknown facts about Preity Zinta

    Bollywood | February 04, 2013 8:07 IST

    New Delhi, Jan 31: Pretty woman with a beautiful dimple on her cheek, actress Preity Zinta has turned 38 today. Model-actress and now a proud co-owner of IPL franchise Kings XI Punjab, Preity right from

  • srk kat to perform in oman on valentine s day

    SRK-Kat to perform in Oman on Valentine's Day

    Bollywood | January 27, 2013 12:58 IST

    Mumbai Jan 27: The ‘Jab Tak Hai Jaan' pair  Shah Rukh Khan and Katrina Kaif  is looking towards heating  up this year's Valentine's Day as they  have been roped in for a live performance  in

  • 30 plus divas make screen comeback in 2012

    30-plus divas make screen comeback in 2012

    Bollywood | December 28, 2012 13:12 IST

    Gone are the days when thirty was considered the age for the screen divas to shift their focus from silver screen to their personal lives.The year gone by saw thirty-plus actresses like Sridevi, Karisma Kapoor,

  • ishkq in paris to release in 2013

    'Ishkq In Paris' to release in 2013

    Bollywood | December 16, 2012 18:19 IST

    Mumbai, Dec 16: Preity Zinta's comeback film "Ishkq In Paris", which has been getting delayed for various reasons, will see the light of the day next year."For all of you asking 'Ishkq In Paris' will

  • kissing missing from ishkq in paris preity zinta

    Kissing missing from Ishkq In Paris: Preity Zinta

    Bollywood | September 18, 2012 10:36 IST

    Mumbai: Ishkq In Paris is a fresh and young romantic film, but minus any kissing scene, says actress Preity Zinta, who has turned producer with the movie."Kissing is missing in the film. Kissing is not

  • collections have changed but not cinema says preity zinta

    Collections have changed but not cinema, says Preity Zinta

    Bollywood | September 07, 2012 14:53 IST

    Mumbai, Sep 7:  At a time when grossing Rs 100 crore is the new benchmark for a film's success, actress-turned-producer Preity Zinta says collections have not changed cinema.“It is brilliant that films are earning Rs

  • salman khan is a friend for life says preity zinta

    Salman Khan is a friend for life, says Preity Zinta

    Bollywood | September 07, 2012 13:09 IST

    Mumbai: In Bollywood where actors struggle at times to build friendly equations with colleagues, actress Preity Zinta insists that Salman Khan is her "friend for life" because he has always stood by her through thick

  • salman does an item number for preity zinta s film

    Salman does an item number for Preity Zinta's film

    Bollywood | September 05, 2012 14:14 IST

    Mumbai, Sep 5: Bollywood superstar Salman Khan  kept his commitment by shooting a special dancenumber of Preity Zinta's upcoming film.  Almost a year ago, Preity Zinta had approached Salman to make a special appearance in

  • ishkq in paris very important film for preity and me surily

    'Ishkq in Paris' very important film for Preity and me: Surily

    Bollywood | August 21, 2012 12:15 IST

    Mumbai, Aug 21 : Fashion designer Surily Goel, who is known for styling Preity Zinta in her various endeavours, says, the comeback film of the actress ‘Ishqk in Paris' is crucial to both of them.Surily

  • preity zinta finds child star for ishkq in paris

    Preity Zinta finds child star for 'Ishkq in Paris'

    Bollywood | June 28, 2012 14:47 IST

    Mumbai: Actress Preity Zinta's search for a little girl who could play her younger version in comeback project "Ishkq In Paris" has ended. The 37-year-old had launched her search on twitter a month ago, asking

  • big b praises preity zinta

    Big B praises Preity Zinta

    Bollywood | June 20, 2012 15:46 IST

    Mumbai, Jun 20: Megastar Amitabh Bachchan says he admires actress Preity Zinta for the drive and guts with which she has managed her career all alone.The 69-year-old actor recently attended a party thrown by the

  • preity signs two more films after ishkq in paris

    Preity signs two more films after 'Ishkq in Paris'

    Bollywood | June 15, 2012 14:15 IST

    New Delhi, Jun 15 : Preity Zinta, who is back to concentrating on films after a few years' break, has signed two more films after “Ishqk In Paris”.  “I have signed two more films, but

  • srk deepika bipasha preity turn out for lady gaga concert

    SRK, Deepika, Bipasha, Preity Turn Out For Lady Gaga Concert

    Bollywood | October 31, 2011 13:35 IST

    Greater Noida, Oct 31: Bollywood  celebs, including superstar Shahrukh Khan, turned out for American pop singer n Lady Gaga's maiden Indian performance on the last day of the exclusive Formula One after-parties.  The Grammy-winning singer,

  • bollywood greets people on diwali

    Bollywood Greets People On Diwali

    Bollywood | October 26, 2011 14:59 IST

    Mumbai, Oct 26: On the occasion of Diwali, the festival of lights, several Bollywood celebrities have come on to the micro-blogging sites to greet people.“Be careful today, as, in the name of celebration, we get

  • preity zinta to work in ishkq in paris

    Preity Zinta To Work In Ishkq In Paris

    Bollywood | September 05, 2011 18:30 IST

    Mumbai, Sep 5: Almost after two years of absence from the big screen, actress Preity Zinta is returning to movies with her maiden home production ‘Ishkq in Paris'.  “So excited to start ISHkQ IN PARIS

  • i had lost inspiration for movies preity zinta

    I Had Lost Inspiration For Movies : Preity Zinta

    Bollywood | August 23, 2011 11:55 IST

    Mumbai, Aug 23 : After almost two years of break from acting, actress Preity Zinta will be back on the silver screen with her maiden home production ‘Ishkq in Paris'.The actress revealed that even though

  • preity scared of talking to men

    Preity Scared Of Talking To Men!

    Bollywood | August 21, 2011 12:22 IST

    Mumbai, Aug 21 : In the backdrop of her break-up with Ness Wadia followed by the fresh link-ups with cricketers and corporates in the recent past, actress Preity Zinta is feeling “dull” about it and
