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  5. Kishtwar violence: BJP protests Kichloo's re-induction into state cabinet

Kishtwar violence: BJP protests Kichloo's re-induction into state cabinet

Jammu: The BJP Saturday protested Jammu and Kashmir chief minister's decision to re-induct Sajjad Ahmad Kichloo into the state cabinet after he was given a clean chit by a commission that probed violence in Kishtwar.Jitendra

PTI Updated on: December 21, 2013 13:35 IST
Hari Om, another senior BJP activist, said: "What was the necessity of acting in such a haste on the interim report of the commission? Why couldn't the state government wait for the final report?

"Why was the interim report selectively leaked by the state government? It is a drama the state government enacted with the assistance of the Gandhi commission that was given three extensions to ensure that its interim report is tailor made to suit the political interests of the ruling coalition.

"We will protest the report and also its likely fallout on communal amity."

He said that "the commission has in its interim report recommended that the village defence committee with Hindu members should either be disbanded or similar committee be formed with Muslim members".

"What sort of logic is this? Is now security also to be determined on communal lines?"

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