Monday, June 17, 2024

Malaika Arora's frosty blue dress is perfect for casual weekend night, see pics

Fitness icon Malaika Arora is undoubtedly one of the most stylish Bollywood celebrities. Credited to Malaika's workout sessions, the style diva looks glamorous in whatever she chooses to wear.

India TV Lifestyle Desk Written by: India TV Lifestyle Desk [ Published on: October 13, 2018 12:56 IST ]
  • Malaika always gets her fashion game going be it any occasion. With her frosty blue dress, Malaika is giving us perfect relaxing weekend vibes.

    Malaika always gets her fashion game going be it any occasion. With her frosty blue dress, Malaika is giving us perfect relaxing weekend vibes.

  • Malaika's hourglass figure is the result of her extensive workouts. The style diva never misses out on her sessions and is committed towards her health.

    Malaika's hourglass figure is the result of her extensive workouts. The style diva never misses out on her sessions and is committed towards her health.

  • Former VJ turned actress, Malaika Arora was clicked by paparazzis in her beautiful blue maxi dress.

    Former VJ turned actress, Malaika Arora was clicked by paparazzis in her beautiful blue maxi dress.

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  • With long hair and less to no make-up look, Malaika win over our hearts in her new dress.

    With long hair and less to no make-up look, Malaika win over our hearts in her new dress.

  • Well, we have always loved the way Malaika carries herself all the time!

    Well, we have always loved the way Malaika carries herself all the time!
