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In Pics: Harshvardhan Kapoor and Malvika Mohanan on a dinner date

Harshvardhan Kapoor and Malavika Mohanan have known each other for a while.

India TV Entertainment Desk Written by: India TV Entertainment Desk [ Published on: August 14, 2018 12:36 IST ]
  • Harshvardhan Kapoor was seen after a long time since his second film Bhavesh Joshi Superhero came out earlier this year. 
    Image Source : Yogen Shah

    Harshvardhan Kapoor was seen after a long time since his second film Bhavesh Joshi Superhero came out earlier this year. 

  • The duo, who have been knowing each other for a long time, were spotted on a dinner date on Monday night. 

    The duo, who have been knowing each other for a long time, were spotted on a dinner date on Monday night. 

  • The actress, who is very close to Junior Kapoor was also seen at Bhavesh Joshi Superhero special screening. 

    The actress, who is very close to Junior Kapoor was also seen at Bhavesh Joshi Superhero special screening. 

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  • Malavika was seen wearing a casual black top with blue denim while Harshvardhan was wearing a black hoodie with a pair of jeans. 

    Malavika was seen wearing a casual black top with blue denim while Harshvardhan was wearing a black hoodie with a pair of jeans. 

  • Malavika Mohanan debuted with Ishaan Khatter in Beyond The Clouds while Harshvardhan Kapoor made a cut in Bollywood with Mirziya. 

    Malavika Mohanan debuted with Ishaan Khatter in Beyond The Clouds while Harshvardhan Kapoor made a cut in Bollywood with Mirziya. 

  • The duo has never accepted their relationship in public nor their social media posts suggest anything. However, this dinner date surely does tell us something. 

    The duo has never accepted their relationship in public nor their social media posts suggest anything. However, this dinner date surely does tell us something. 
