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  4. NBA players' secret grooming and styling tips! (view pics)

NBA players' secret grooming and styling tips! (view pics)

London: If NBA players are particular about their techniques in the basketball court, these athletes are equally concerned about grooming and reports that basketball stars such as New York Knicks' Amar'e Stoudemire, Brooklyn Nets'

PTI Updated on: December 03, 2013 12:16 IST
nba players secret grooming and styling tips view pics
nba players secret grooming and styling tips view pics

London: If NBA players are particular about their techniques in the basketball court, these athletes are equally concerned about grooming and style. reports that basketball stars such as New York Knicks' Amar'e Stoudemire, Brooklyn Nets' Anthony Brands, Clippers' player DeAndre Jordan and Chandler Parsons of the Houston Rockets put their best foot forward by using beauty products like Secret deodorant, Bath & Body Works and Herbal Essences.

"Every year I will stock my locker up with body wash, different lotions, different oils and different creams," New York Knicks' Stoudemire told the Wall Street Journal, adding that his go-to brand is Bath and Body Works.


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