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10 viral pics from Sonam Kapoor-Anand Ahuja's dreamy wedding

The much-awaited day for the lovebirds Sonam Kapoor and Anand Ahuja is finally here. Veere Di wedding actress Sonam Kapoor and businessman Anand Ahuja have join hands for their vows.

India TV Entertainment Desk Written by: India TV Entertainment Desk [ Updated: May 08, 2018 14:04 IST ]
  • Bevy of Bollywood celebrities have gathered to shower their love and blessings to the bride and groom. 

    Bevy of Bollywood celebrities have gathered to shower their love and blessings to the bride and groom. 

  • Among the top guest list from Bollywood were Jacqueline Fernandez, Kareena Kapoor Khan, Karisma Kapoor, Saif Ali Khan with son Taimur, Rani Mukerji, Swara Bhaskar, Abhishek Bachchan with sister Shweta Bachchan, Karan Johar, Javed Akhtar, Masaba Gupta, Janhvi Kapoor, Khushi Kapoor with father Boney Kapoor, Jacqueline Fernandez and others. 

    Among the top guest list from Bollywood were Jacqueline Fernandez, Kareena Kapoor Khan, Karisma Kapoor, Saif Ali Khan with son Taimur, Rani Mukerji, Swara Bhaskar, Abhishek Bachchan with sister Shweta Bachchan, Karan Johar, Javed Akhtar, Masaba Gupta, Janhvi Kapoor, Khushi Kapoor with father Boney Kapoor, Jacqueline Fernandez and others. 


  • Sonam's best buddy Jacqueline Fernandez looked stunning as she visited the wedding venue in her traditional pink lehenga. 

    Sonam's best buddy Jacqueline Fernandez looked stunning as she visited the wedding venue in her traditional pink lehenga. 

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  • Sonam's Veere Di Wedding co-star Swara Bhaskar sharing her pic on Instagram wrote, ''Off to @sonamkapoor ‘s #AnandKaaraj ceremony in all the resplendent brilliance of @abujanisandeepkhosla @sandeepkhosla with @amrapalijewels (maantika, ring), @tbz1864 earrings, @mahesh_notandass ring. Styled by @dibzoo; make up: @saracapela ; hair: @rupali.dhumal.''

    Sonam's Veere Di Wedding co-star Swara Bhaskar sharing her pic on Instagram wrote, ''Off to @sonamkapoor ‘s #AnandKaaraj ceremony in all the resplendent brilliance of @abujanisandeepkhosla @sandeepkhosla with @amrapalijewels (maantika, ring), @tbz1864 earrings, @mahesh_notandass ring. Styled by @dibzoo; make up: @saracapela ; hair: @rupali.dhumal.''

  • And the royal couple of Bollywood Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan with their son Taimur attended Sonam's wedding venue in a matching baby pink shade outfit. Taimur as usual stole all the limelight from their parents with his innocence. 

    And the royal couple of Bollywood Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan with their son Taimur attended Sonam's wedding venue in a matching baby pink shade outfit. Taimur as usual stole all the limelight from their parents with his innocence. 

  • Kareena Kapoor's sister Karisma as also spotted striking a pose at Sonam's wedding. 

    Kareena Kapoor's sister Karisma as also spotted striking a pose at Sonam's wedding. 

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  • The guest who grabbed a lot of eyeballs were Sonam's Delhi 6 co-star Abhishek Bachchan and his sister Shweta Bachchan in their traditional best look.  

    The guest who grabbed a lot of eyeballs were Sonam's Delhi 6 co-star Abhishek Bachchan and his sister Shweta Bachchan in their traditional best look.  

  • Shweta was all set to see Sonam and Anand tying the nuptial knot and she was captured in her picture perfect moment. 

    Shweta was all set to see Sonam and Anand tying the nuptial knot and she was captured in her picture perfect moment. 

  • And the girls squad including Jacqueline Fernandez, Anshula Kapoor and others were spotted having a selfie moment at Sonam's wedding. 

    And the girls squad including Jacqueline Fernandez, Anshula Kapoor and others were spotted having a selfie moment at Sonam's wedding. 

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  • Janhvi Kapoor with her sister Khushi Kapoor, father Boney Kapoor and SP leader Amar Singh was seen giving few poses to the shutterbugs. And the Kapoor sisters were simply looking adorable in baby pink and yellow lehenga.

    Janhvi Kapoor with her sister Khushi Kapoor, father Boney Kapoor and SP leader Amar Singh was seen giving few poses to the shutterbugs. And the Kapoor sisters were simply looking adorable in baby pink and yellow lehenga.
