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  5. How to make Phalsa Juice at home? Know benefits for skin and health during summer

How to make Phalsa Juice at home? Know benefits for skin and health during summer

The Phalsa fruit has various benefits for skin and hair such as better complexion and smoother skin. You can make Phalsa juice to reap the various health and skin benefits like better immunity and a stronger gut.

Edited By: Kristina Das @ New Delhi Updated on: May 10, 2024 17:14 IST
phalsa juice benefits
Image Source : FREEPIK Benefits of Phalsa Juice.

Phalsa, also known as Indian Sherbet Berry, is a seasonal fruit harvested during the summer. The purple-coloured fruit is shaped like a grape and is often overlooked amongst other fruits despite having incredible health benefits for common health problems such as inflammation, and joint pain and has benefits for the skin as well. Read our guide to understand how this rare sweet-and-sour delight can benefit your health in various ways.

Benefits of Phalsa Juice

  1. May Relieve Joint Pain - The fruit is rich in antioxidants which help relieve inflammation, one of the prominent causes behind joint pain. It also contains calcium which strengthens the bone and facilitates bone growth, combating issues such as Arthritis.
  2. Has a Cooling Effect- Drinking Phalsa juice daily can lead to decreased body temperature, keeping you cool through the summer heat. Read more below to find recipe ideas with Phalsa fruit!
  3. Lowers Fever- Phalsa has biochemical properties which reduce body heat, acting as an effective cooling aid during fever. Due to its natural cooling effect, it is suggested to drink Phalsa juice during high fevers. 
  4. A Healthy Snack- Phalsa fruit acts as a natural sugar in the body, enabling it for guilt-free snack consumption for both diabetic and non-diabetic patients.
  5. Good for Skin and Hair-  Phalsa has antifungal properties, collagen-boosting nutrients and Vitamin C which keep the skin looking fresh and young. It also prevents dandruff, and fine lines and improves skin texture over time.
  6. Boosts Immunity- As a source of Vitamin C, Phalsa increases immunity by fighting off harmful infections.

Phalsa Sharbat Recipe


  • Phalsa Fruit
  • Sugar
  • Ice Cubes
  • Black Salt


  1. Rinse Phalsa fruit and remove any stem or debris
  2. In a pot, heat water and sugar over medium heat
  3. Crush Phalsa fruit in a blender to create the mixture
  4. Add mixture into the pot with black salt
  5. Stir until sugar dissolves completely
  6. Stir until all ingredients blend properly
  7. Turn off the heat and let the mixture cool in the refrigerator until chilled
  8. Pour the sharbat into a glass and enjoy!

Reap the benefits of the Phalsa fruit this summer by enjoying a cool new drink and the health benefits that come with it.

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