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  4. Samsung launches high-end Galaxy K Zoom smartphone with 10x zoom lens

Samsung launches high-end Galaxy K Zoom smartphone with 10x zoom lens

New Delhi: Samsung has just announced the Galaxy K Zoom, a slim smartphone that looks like a mix of Galaxy S5 and a Samsung Galaxy Camera. Samsung is calling it a camera-specialized smartphone and says

India TV News Desk Updated on: April 30, 2014 7:28 IST

The K zoom won't be available in the US at launch. It comes in the same black, white, and blue dimpled body as the Galaxy S5.

Overall, it is not only the design that has improved, but the image quality has taken a big jump too – images captured on K Zoom look pretty vivid, colorful and sharp on its bright display. It seems like that Samsung has finally done some justice with its camera-specialized smartphone range as the K zoom now comes with the much required zoom function. Certainly, this new breed of camera smartphones is likely to come much closer to offering the quality and experience we might expect from a dedicated camera.

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