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Bachchans to Khans, Bollywood celebrities cast vote in Mumbai

Several Bollywood celebrities, including Aamir Khan, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Salman Khan, stepped out on Monday morning to vote for the Maharashtra Assembly elections.

India TV Entertainment Desk Written by: India TV Entertainment Desk [ Updated: October 22, 2019 16:57 IST ]
  • Bollywood celebs made their presence felt as responsible Indian citizens by casting their valuable votes at the Maharashtra Assembly Polls 2019 in Mumbai on Monday.
    Image Source : Yogen Shah

    Bollywood celebs made their presence felt as responsible Indian citizens by casting their valuable votes at the Maharashtra Assembly Polls 2019 in Mumbai on Monday.

  • Superstar Aamir Khan was one of the early birds snapped coming out of the polling booth. 

    Superstar Aamir Khan was one of the early birds snapped coming out of the polling booth. 

  • Aamir Khan's wife Kiran Rao also spotted exercising her right to vote.

    Aamir Khan's wife Kiran Rao also spotted exercising her right to vote.

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  • Anushka Sharma arrived with family to cast vote.

    Anushka Sharma arrived with family to cast vote.

  • Kareena Kapoor Khan was spotted with son Taimur Ali Khan.

    Kareena Kapoor Khan was spotted with son Taimur Ali Khan.

  • Shah Rukh Khan arrived at the polling booth with wife Gauri Khan.

    Shah Rukh Khan arrived at the polling booth with wife Gauri Khan.

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  • Sunny Deol voted for the Maharashtra Assembly elections.

    Sunny Deol voted for the Maharashtra Assembly elections.

  • Salman Khan voted for the Maharashtra Assembly elections.

    Salman Khan voted for the Maharashtra Assembly elections.

  • Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and husband Abhishek Bachchan voted for the Maharashtra Assembly elections.

    Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and husband Abhishek Bachchan voted for the Maharashtra Assembly elections.

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  • A smiling Deepika Padukone comes out of the polling booth after casting her vote.

    A smiling Deepika Padukone comes out of the polling booth after casting her vote.

  • Deepika's husband actor Ranveer Singh also exercised his right to vote.

    Deepika's husband actor Ranveer Singh also exercised his right to vote.

  • Dharmendra voted for the Maharashtra Assembly elections.

    Dharmendra voted for the Maharashtra Assembly elections.

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  • Hrithik Roshan voted for the Maharashtra Assembly elections.

    Hrithik Roshan voted for the Maharashtra Assembly elections.
