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10 ways to improve your vehicle's mileage

New Delhi: In the quest to improve fuel economy, you will find magic fuel additives, special spark plugs, Tornado-simulating air intake systems, and fuel line magnets. However, when it comes to actually producing some measurable

PTI Updated on: December 07, 2012 6:42 IST
10. The Glorious Right Hand Turn

In 2004, the UPS adopted a fuel savings technique which made a lot of sense. Whenever practical, drivers map out their deliveries to include as many right turns as possible.

The reason they do this is it reduces the wait times often associated with making a left hand turn, such as when sitting at a red light, waiting for oncoming traffic behind a line of other vehicles.

If you think about it, right turns are usually accomplished immediately, barring a red light or pedestrian in the crosswalk.

In many cases, making several quick right turns versus one long left turn offers not only a time savings, but fuel savings to boot. Just a helpful tip from your friendly, non-disgruntled UPS driver!


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