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Top 8 Emoji's and their meaning!

New Delhi: Emoji is a loanword originated from Japanese. It is defined as “a small digital image or icon used to express an idea or emotion in electronic communication.” All of us use WhatsApp and enjoy

India TV News Desk Updated on: November 21, 2015 14:47 IST
top 8 emoji s and their meaning
top 8 emoji s and their meaning

New Delhi: Emoji is a loanword originated from Japanese. It is defined as “a small digital image or icon used to express an idea or emotion in electronic communication.” 

All of us use WhatsApp and enjoy sending several emoticons (emoji), apparently communication our mood. They are an inseparable part of our life now. Whether we are happy, sad, and angry or want to laugh out loud - Emojis are there for our rescue. 

Recently, Emoji commonly known as “face with tears of joy” was named the “Word” of the Year for 2015 by Oxford Dictionaries.

Emoji have come to exemplify a major portion of living in a digitalized world, which is visually driven, fanatically instantaneous and emotionally expressive.

These have come into the form of pictographic scripts and have been able to fill those gaps in our lives as it's flexible, instantaneous, and imparts the message tone magnificently.

Oxford Dictionaries lexicographers also have identified a sharp increase in the use of the word emoji itself in 2015.

In a nutshell, at present emojis are becoming rich form of communication, one which surpass linguistic borders.

1st Emoji

Slang translation:  lol; lmao

Old-fashioned words: Laughing out loud; laughing my ass off

2nd Emoji

Slang translation: beautifull; gawgeous; hotttt

Old-fashioned words: beautiful; gorgeous; jolly attractive

3rd Emoji

Slang translation: xoxo; xoxoxox

Old-fashioned words: hugs and kisses (in slightly greater quantity)

4th Emoji

Slang translation: GJ; job; haha

Old-fashioned words: good job; well done


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