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Happy Birthday Madhubala: Seen these 10 unseen photos of Indian cinema's eternal beauty?

The legendary singer Madhubala was born on the occasion of love--Valentine's Day. Born as Mumtaz Jehan Begum Dehlavi in 1933, it wouldn't be wrong to call her the 'Marilyn Monroe' of India. On her birthday, let's take a look at some of her unseen pictures.

India TV Entertainment Desk Written by: India TV Entertainment Desk [ Published on: February 14, 2020 7:56 IST ]
  • Born as Mumtaz Jehan Begum Dehlavi in 1933, it wouldn't be wrong to call her the 'Marilyn Monroe' of India.

    Born as Mumtaz Jehan Begum Dehlavi in 1933, it wouldn't be wrong to call her the 'Marilyn Monroe' of India.

  • Madhubala is till date the most iconic cinema goddess India has created.

    Madhubala is till date the most iconic cinema goddess India has created.

  • Known for her incredible excellence and her playful appeal, Madhubala (genuine name Mumtaz Jehan Begum Dehlavi) was considerably more than that.

    Known for her incredible excellence and her playful appeal, Madhubala (genuine name Mumtaz Jehan Begum Dehlavi) was considerably more than that.

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  • Every wonderful and effective on-screen character who has managed the Indian cinema has been contrasted with Madhubala, in any event once in her lifetime.

    Every wonderful and effective on-screen character who has managed the Indian cinema has been contrasted with Madhubala, in any event once in her lifetime.

  • Her genuine name was Mumtaz Jehan. She began working in the film business when she was only six years of age to help her family.

    Her genuine name was Mumtaz Jehan. She began working in the film business when she was only six years of age to help her family.

  • It was director Kedar Sharma (of Neel Kamal, Bawre Nain acclaim) who gave her the screen name 'Madhubala'.

    It was director Kedar Sharma (of Neel Kamal, Bawre Nain acclaim) who gave her the screen name 'Madhubala'.

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  • Madhubala was last seen in the film Jwala inverse Sunil Dutt. This likewise happened to be her last film which was released in the year 1971, two years after her unfavorable death because of delayed disease.

    Madhubala was last seen in the film Jwala inverse Sunil Dutt. This likewise happened to be her last film which was released in the year 1971, two years after her unfavorable death because of delayed disease.

  • Madhubala is remembered for portraying the role of Anarkali in the well-known film Mughal - e - Azam which co-featured Prithviraj Kapoor and Dilip Kumar.

    Madhubala is remembered for portraying the role of Anarkali in the well-known film Mughal - e - Azam which co-featured Prithviraj Kapoor and Dilip Kumar.

  • Madhubala, who was otherwise called the venus of Indian Cinema, has acted in excess of 70 movies in a career of 22 years.

    Madhubala, who was otherwise called the venus of Indian Cinema, has acted in excess of 70 movies in a career of 22 years.

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  • The entertainer was even contrasted with the Hollywood actress Marilyn Monroe as a result of her beguiling magnificence and character.

    The entertainer was even contrasted with the Hollywood actress Marilyn Monroe as a result of her beguiling magnificence and character.
