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  4. Top 10 terror attacks that shocked the world

Top 10 terror attacks that shocked the world

Acts of terror are no longer a phenomenon that can be conveniently ignored by the masses.   In fact, with extremists continually seeking weapons of mass destruction, the threat of terrorism looms everywhere.   We have tried

PTI Updated on: May 05, 2014 8:29 IST
5.  Beslan Massacre in Russia (Dead: 366; Injured: 747)

Acts of terror are not confined to the United States. Terrorism is a worldwide problem. On September 1, 2004, armed Ingush and Chechen insurgents seized control of School Number One in Beslan, Russia.  

The insurgents held 1,100 hostages (of which 777 were children) and demanded an end to ongoing Chechen military dispute between Chechnya and Russia.

By the 3rd day of the siege, Russian officials decided to act, and assaulted the school with tanks, heavy weapons and military troops.   

An intense gun battle ensued that resulted in 30 insurgents killed. Unfortunately, 334 hostages were also killed (of which 186 were children).   

The backlash of the disastrous assault by Russian forces led to a number of policy changes, as well as widespread international criticism.


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