PM Modi will address the policymakers other than teachers and students during the first anniversary of NEP.
The initiatives to be launched also include Vidya Pravesh, a three-month play-based school preparation module for Grade 1 students, Indian sign language as a subject at the secondary level, and NISHTHA 2. 0, an integrated programme of teacher training designed by the NCERT.
SAFAL (structured assessment for analyzing learning levels), a competency-based assessment framework for Grades 3, 5, and 8 in CBSE schools, and a website dedicated to artificial intelligence will also be launched, the PMO said. The event will witness the launch of the National Digital Education Architecture (NDEAR) and the National Education Technology Forum (NETF).
These initiatives will mark a significant step towards realisation of the goals of NEP 2020 and will make the education sector more vibrant and accessible," the PMO said.
Built on the foundational pillars of access, equity, quality, affordability, and accountability, this policy is aligned to the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development and aims to transform India into a vibrant knowledge society and global knowledge superpower by making both school and college education more holistic, flexible, multidisciplinary and suited to 21st century needs while aimed at bringing out the unique capabilities of each student.