Students can check the list at the board's official website jossa(.)nic(.)in.
A day after the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) directed IIT Kanpur to come up with an extended merit list for the JEE Advanced 2018, the Joint Admission Board on Thursday announced the extended list of students qualified for the IITs. Students can check the list at the board's official website jossa(.)nic(.)in. As per the data, the number of students qualified now stands at 31,980 from the existing 18,138. Choice filing on Joint Seat Allocation Authority (JoSAA) would start on June 15. Students in the extended merit list can start filing up their options along with others.
Formerly known as IIT JEE exam, JEE advanced 2018 grabbed the media attention when only a little more than 18,000 students could qualify the exam. The pass percentage in the exam stooped down by 64 per cent this year. Last year more than 50,000 students had qualified the exam. As per IIT data, out of the 1,55,158 students who took JEE in 2018, only 18,138 students qualified. While only 6.7 per cent girls had made it to the merit list; the pass percentage among boys was 12.9 per cent. A total of 8,954 candidates belonging to general category have it to the supplementary merit list while 3,824 more candidates have been added to the OBC category.
Pranav Goyal from Panchkula had topped the JEE Advanced examination this year.