In a disturbing turn of events, three individuals assaulted a waiter at a roadside eatery and dragged him by their car for a kilometre. The accused assaulted and abducted the hotel waiter over an unpaid bill. The incident occurred last Saturday at Vijaba Dhaba Hotel in Dindrud, near Majalgaon, Beed district.
According to preliminary reports, Sakharam Janardan Munde and his companions dined at the hotel, after which they requested the waiter to bring the QR code scanner for online payment to settle their bill. However, instead of paying, they allegedly fled to their vehicle.
When the waiter rushed to their car with the payment scanner, one of the individuals allegedly started a confrontation. The situation escalated when the suspects reportedly dragged the waiter for about a kilometer, physically assaulted him, and stole approximately ₹11,500 from his pocket. The victim was then blindfolded, beaten, and taken to an unknown location, where he was held captive throughout the night.
The waiter, Sheikh Sahil Anusuddin, was eventually released on Sunday morning in Bhaijali Shivara, Dharur taluk. Following his ordeal, Anusuddin lodged a complaint with the Dindrud police. A case has been filed against Sakharam Janardan Munde and two unidentified individuals. The police are currently investigating the matter and are working to apprehend the suspects involved.