While cooking in the kitchen, we often take the help of many things so that our work becomes quick and easy. Most of them are electronic items. These things do our hours of work in minutes. In this way, a lot of our time is saved. On the other hand, along with using this equipment, we have to take full care of their maintenance and cleanliness. Otherwise, they start getting damaged quickly. These dirty things look ugly and also spoil the beauty of our kitchen. In such a situation, we should keep cleaning them.
Today in this article we are going to tell you about the cleaning of a mixer jar, a very important tool used in the kitchen. Often, whenever you grind onion or garlic in the blender, a very strong smell starts coming from that jar. This smell is so strong that sometimes it does not go away even after cleaning with a dishwasher. In such a situation, today we are going to tell you a trick to remove this strong odour from the mixer jar. For this, you will not even need to spend a single penny. Let's find out.
Orange Peel
For this, all you have to do is boil orange peels in water. Now put it in a mixer jar. Also, mix 2-4 drops of liquid dishwash in it. Close the jar, turn on the mixer and let this mixture remain in the blender for about half an hour. After half an hour, throw away the mixture and clean the jar with normal water and dishwasher. You will see that the smell of onion-garlic will disappear.
Banana Peel
You have to put banana peels, two spoons of flour and vinegar in the mixer jar and turn it on. Now leave this solution for about 15-20 minutes. After this, throw away the mixture of banana, flour and vinegar and clean it with the help of normal utensils and liquid dish wash. Now you will see that there will be no smell coming from the blender.
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