Veteran actress Poonam Dhillon was house was robbed recently and several items including diamond jewellery and cash were stolen. As per a latest report, Mumbai's Khar Police has arrested a person for stealing a diamond necklace worth about Rs 1 lakh, Rs 35,000 in cash and some US dollars from the actress' residence. The man was arrested on January 6, 2025, and has been identified Sameer Ansari, who is 37 years old. Poonam Dhillon mainly lives in Juhu while her son Anmol stays in the Khar residence. However, the actress also stays in her Khar residence sometimes.
Police investigation revealed that accused Ansari was at the actress's house between December 28 and January 5 to paint the flat. During this time, he took advantage of the open cupboard to steal the items. The accused also had a party with some of the stolen money.
Poonam Dhillon's career at a glance
The 62-year-old actress is a popular name in the Hindi film industry. She is best known for her role in the 1979 film, Noorie. Some of her other popular films include Samundar, Dard, Sohni Mahiwal, Teri Meherbaniyan, Karma, and Naam among others.
Apart from films, she has also worked in TV shows including Ekk Nayi Pehchaan, Dil Hi Toh Hai, and Kittie Party. She made her OTT debut in 2021 with the Disney Plus Hotstar show, Dil Bekaraar. She has also participated in the third season of popular TV reality show, Bigg Boss, in 2009.
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