Former Bigg Boss contestants Yuvika Chaudhary and Prince Narula are one of the most adorable couples of the small screen. They are head over heels in love and lately both of them once again left their fans gushing over them with their PDA. The gorgeous lady dressed in bridal attire walked the ramp for a wedding show exhibition in Mumbai. Prince, sitting in the first row was cheering for her lady love.
He couldn’t stop himself from going on the stage and did something special for her. Prince went on his knee and gave her bouquet. Both of them later danced on a beautiful song. Yuvika’s reaction was priceless and she was blushing. Both the stars got engaged earlier this year and are also planning to tie the knot.
This is not the first time Prince has impressed his lady love. Earlier, he changed his name on Instagram to Prince Yuvika Narula and got her name inked on his back. Well, it goes without saying that Prince is giving boyfriend goals to all the boys out there.
Both the stars first met on Bigg Boss 9 and later love blossomed between the two. Prince and Yuvika also did a music video together. Now, people are eagerly waiting for the stars to get married soon.