In 2024, Maddock Films' horror comedy 'Stree 2' became the biggest Bollywood hit of the year. Rajkummar Rao and Shraddha Kapoor were seen in the film along with Abhishek Banerjee and Aparshakti Khurrana. Meanwhile, at the beginning of the year 2025, Maddock Films announced the release date of its upcoming 8 films from their horror-comedy universe, which will hit the theatres by the year 2028. Now reports suggest that Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan might play the role of the main villain in the horror comedy universe.
Shah Rukh Khan in 'Mahayudh'?
According to the reports, producer Dinesh Vijan and his team are in talks with Shah Rukh Khan for a special role. It is being told that the team of Maddock Films wants to make King Khan the main villain of the horror-comedy universe. Well, Shah Rukh Khan has played many challenging characters on the big screen in his career. He has tried to do something new in his role every time. He has also played villain roles in the past and has been loved for them. Hence, it will be interesting to see SRK playing an antagonist.
Will Shah Rukh Khan be the main villain?
According to reports, a close source to the team revealed that Shah Rukh Khan's character will be such that it will be interconnected with all the films of the horror comedy universe. If the Pathaan actor joins the horror-comedy universe, then it will take the franchise to a different level. There is a possibility that Shah Rukh can be seen in the film 'Mahayudh' or 'Doosra Mahayudh' to be released in the year 2028. However, there has been no official announcement from Shah Rukh Khan or Maddock Films regarding this deal.
What are these 8 films?
Let us tell you that Maddock's list of upcoming films includes 8 films, which will hit the theaters from 2025 to 2028. The first one of these is 'Thama', in which Ayushmann Khurrana and Rashmika Mandanna will be seen. The shooting of this film is going on. After this 2025 will also witness 'Shakti Shalini'. Later in 2026 'Bhediya 2' and 'Chamundha' will be released. In 2027 'Stree 3' and 'Maha Munjya' will be out and in 2028, 'Mahayudh' and 'Doosra Mahayudh' will be released.
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