Leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha and Congress MP Rahul Gandhi, along with Congress leader Sonia Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi paid their last respects to former prime minister Dr Manmohan Singh at his residence in Delhi. The 92-year-old architect of India’s economic reforms passed away after being admitted to AIIMS Delhi on Thursday night.
Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge also paid his tributes to Manmohan Singh. He said, "His distinguished service and extraordinary contribution to the nation shall always be remembered." Condoling his death, the Congress had posted, "History will always remember Dr Manmohan Singh for his dignified demeanour, commitment to public service, profound wisdom and humility. He leaves behind a legacy of economic reforms, political stability, and dedication to uplift the lives of every Indian. His tenure first as a technocrat and then as India’s Prime Minister will be remembered for economic prosperity with focus on social welfare, and strengthening of India’s position on the world map."
Earlier, on Thursday, Rahul Gandhi had said that he has lost his mentor and guide in former prime minister Manmohan Singh. "Manmohan Singh Ji led India with immense wisdom and integrity. His humility and deep understanding of economics inspired the nation. My heartfelt condolences to Mrs Kaur and the family," Gandhi said in a post on X.
"I have lost a mentor and guide. Millions of us who admired him will remember him with the utmost pride," the former Congress chief said.
Singh's death was announced by the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Delhi, where he was admitted in the Emergency ward around 8.30 PM in a critical condition. An AIIMS bulletin said "he was treated for age related medical conditions and had sudden loss of consciousness at home" on December 26.
The Central Government has declared a seven-day mourning in honour of Singh, officials said. Singh's last rites will be conducted with full state honours, the officials added.
Manmohan Singh served as the prime minister from 2004 to 14.