The Pongal hamper, consisting of rice, sugar, and sugarcane, was inaugurated by Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin on Thursday for distribution to over 2 crore ration card holders, at an estimated cost of Rs 249.76 crore. Stalin also unveiled the cost-free distribution of dhotis and sarees to beneficiaries at a fair price shop at Saidapet in Chennai.
A Pongal hamper consists of 1 kilo each of raw rice and sugar besides a full, single piece of sugarcane. In total, 2,20,94,585 rice category ration card holders will benefit besides inmates of rehabilitation camps for Sri Lankan Tamils, an official release said. Also, 1.77 crore dhotis and 1.77 crore sarees will be distributed in fair price shops along with Pongal packs.
Check dates for Pongal gift distribution
From January 9, 2025 to January 13, 2025, the Pongal gift will be provided to all rice-ration card holders in all the 37,224 Public Distribution System (PDS) outlets across Tamil Nadu and about 50,000 personnel from various departments have been deployed for the exercise.
Ministers KR Periakaruppan (Cooperation) and R Sakkarapani (Food), Chennai Mayor R Priya and top officials participated. The festival of Pongal will be celebrated from January 14 to January 17.
Reschedule UGC-NET test proposed during Pongal: CM Stalin
Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K Stalin urged Union Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan to reschedule the UGC-NET exams, which are set to take place during the Pongal festival season. In a letter to the Minister, the Chief Minister highlighted that the UGC-NET and other exams are scheduled during the period of Pongal celebrations.
“These dates are well known and the entire Tamil community celebrates the four days’ Pongal festival with fervor. The Government of Tamil Nadu has already declared January 14-17 as holidays," the CM said in the letter.
(With PTI inputs)