News Health Maintaining Weight to Restricting Alcohol: Lifestyle habits to cut Breast Cancer risk

Maintaining Weight to Restricting Alcohol: Lifestyle habits to cut Breast Cancer risk

To fight the disease, one important step is empowering women with knowledge of lifestyle strategies for reducing the risk of developing breast cancer. This entails watching weight, exercising regularly followed by not taking excessive alcohol and considering breastfeeding among others.

Breast Cancer risk Image Source : FREEPIK Lifestyle habits to cut Breast Cancer risk.

Breast cancer is still a serious health issue among women globally. Although some risk factors like genetics and family history are out of our hands lifestyle choices have been found to play a vital role in reducing the chances of getting this disease. In this detailed article, we will discuss various ways suggested by Dr Karishma Kirti, Consultant Breast Specialist and Oncoplastic Surgeon that women can adopt to minimise their likelihood of developing breast cancer.

Healthy weight management:

Maintaining a healthy weight is one of the major pillars of preventing breast cancer. Excessive body fat, particularly around the belly, may result in higher levels of estrogen within the body which could stimulate hormone-responsive cells for breast cancer growth. By incorporating regular exercise along with wholesome diets full of fruits, vegetables whole grains and lean proteins, women should be able to maintain a healthy weight that would reduce the risk for breast cancer.

Regular exercising: 

Although various studies have shown that physical activities are good for general health, they are also effective tools against breast cancer. A few different types of research on this reveal that regular exercise can decrease the chances of developing breast cancer by 10 to 25 per cent. Do moderate-intensity aerobic activity (i.e., brisk walking) for at least 150 minutes or vigorous-intensity aerobic activity (i.e., jogging) for at least 75 minutes every week. Whether it is brisk walking, cycling, swimming or yoga, the trick here lies in finding enjoyable activities and incorporating them into your daily life to derive maximum benefits from physical exercises.

Complete Nutrition:

You can use a wholesome diet as a stepping stone in the war against cancer of the breast. Have a wide range of colourful fruits and vegetables for your meals since they are packed with antioxidants and phytochemicals which protect cells from damage. People should eat fewer processed foods, red meat and beverages that contain sugar as this may increase the chances of getting breast cancer. You should choose whole foods that are rich in protein instead.

Alcohol Restriction:

Sometimes, one glass of wine can be enjoyed, but regular drinking of too much alcohol increases cancer risks. It is therefore necessary that you limit alcohol consumption to a maximum of three drinks per week and consider taking non-alcoholic alternatives whenever possible. Mindful drinking is an important step towards reducing one of the causative factors linked to breast cancer.

Advantages of Breastfeeding:

Not only does breastfeeding provide mothers with multiple benefits but it also lowers their risk of getting breast cancers. According to studies, breastfeeding over six months up to two years lessened the probability of having breast cancer, particularly in premenopausal women. Hence if possible, you should consider nursing as an affirmative move towards promoting your child’s well-being while still protecting yourself.

Remember, small lifestyle changes today can lead to significant strides in breast cancer prevention tomorrow.

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