News Buzz Life Aries “ this is how you should celebrate Holi

Aries “ this is how you should celebrate Holi

Dear Aries, it is well-known that you are the first sign of zodiac. You are that independent, optimistic, courageous leader that everybody looks forward to. Aries, you have all the traits of a good leader

aries this is how you should celebrate holi aries this is how you should celebrate holi

Dear Aries, it is well-known that you are the first sign of zodiac. You are that independent, optimistic, courageous leader that everybody looks forward to. Aries, you have all the traits of a good leader and this is what is expected from you on the festival of colors as well. 

Shout out loud, gather your friends, wish them all – Happy Holi and bang on with the rest of the day.

 “Fire” is the element of Aries and color ‘Red' signifies it so don't forget to apply Red color on friends and acquaintances alike. Additionally, you can use Yellow color also this Holi, as it is also bright like your personality.

Astrologer Deepak Chopra, founder, Birthastro says, “It is a feel-good, popular day! Enjoy mingling with others, making new friends, especially with groups as you love to be seen.”

“However, be careful that in your exuberance to celebrate Holi, you don't promise more than what you can deliver”, he adds.

Keep control on your budget. Don't spend more than what you have planned. Being a true leader, you usually spend lavish on your people. Keep a check on your budget. (You can always take learnings from our Finance Minister Arun Jaitley who is presenting budget 2015 in parliament these days).

While indulging in playful activities don't resort to borrowing. Stay dependent on your credit obligations instead.

It is predicted that this Holi you will meet an old friend while a few of you will feel alone even in big crowds. Use ‘Red' color to brighten and enliven your day. Use herbal colors as much as you can.

However, be careful while you are in open. Swine Flu being around, take all the precautionary measures to protect yourself from the deadly influenza.

ALSO READ: Holi Horoscope for Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittairius, Capricorn, Aquarius , Pisces

Dos for Arians

  1. Use Red and Yellow colors to celebrate Holi
  2. Control your expenditures.

Don'ts for Arians

  1. Don't promise more than you can deliver
  2. Don't resort to borrowing