News Health What to eat while recovering from Coronavirus? 5 step sample meal plan to overcome post COVID fatigue

What to eat while recovering from Coronavirus? 5 step sample meal plan to overcome post COVID fatigue

MyGovIndia, a citizen engagement platform of the Government of India on Twitter shared a 5 step sample meal plan to boost your immunity and help you recover from post Covid fatigue.

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As new COVID 19 cases see a record number with each day in the country, there are plenty of recoveries too. However, fatigue is a common thing post COVID recovery. In such a scenario, a number of health boosters are floating on the Internet claiming to help faster recovery and build immunity. Making things simpler, MyGovIndia, a citizen engagement platform of the Government of India on Twitter shared a 5 step sample meal plan to boost your immunity and help you recover from post Covid fatigue.

Here's a 5-step sample meal plan suggested to boost immunity amidst COVID:

  1. Start the day by consuming soaked almonds and raisins. It is said that Almonds are a rich source of protein and raisins provide a good amount of iron to the body.
  2. For breakfast, ragi dosa or a bowl of porridge is the best option. It will help have a fulfilling meal in the morning.
  3. Jaggery and ghee are recommended during or post lunch. You can have this nutritious combination along with roti. The two are said to help to recover faster.
  4. For dinner, it is advisable to skip heavy meals. Instead, have a simple khichdi. It includes all the essential nutrients and is also light on the gut. Apart from the many advantages of it, it is said to have a good sleep.
  5. Most important of all, it is very important to stay hydrated. Apart from water, one must include homemade lime juice and buttermilk in their routine. It will not help you keep your body fresh but wash out toxins from the body.

Apart from this, experts say, for a sweet delight on your plates, you can add berries such as strawberries, raspberries and local variants like jamun, karwanda -- packed with antioxidants and vitamins like Vitamin C, manganese, folate and copper.

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Disclaimer: This content is created and published for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. For more information, please consult a doctor.

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