News Health What is the best time to eat fruits? Know right ways to get maximum benefits

What is the best time to eat fruits? Know right ways to get maximum benefits

It is very important to know the right time and the right way to eat fruits. Read on to know all about it.

Health news Image Source : FREEPIKKnow the right way to eat fruits to get the maximum benefits

We all are aware of the benefits of fruits for our health. They decrease the risk of heart disease, maintain blood pressure as well as provide protection against cancer-causing cells. However, when it comes to the best time to eat fruits, we often get confused. To obtain health benefits and avoid adverse effects, one should consume them in the right quantity and at the right time. Every fruit has a variety of enzymes and acids that could react with bacteria in the gut and can either do good or bad, depending on the person’s symptoms. The expert urges all to have an understanding of the fruits you consume before you put them on your plate.

Some people say that morning is the best time to eat fruits. The logic they give is that eating fruits on an empty stomach improves digestion, maintains weight, detoxifies body systems, and prevents certain obesity-related diseases. Others claim that the afternoon is the best time for eating fruits. However, these suggestions are not backed by any scientific evidence. The only valid reason for such recommended timings is that eating fruit in the afternoon or morning raises blood sugar levels and activates your digestive system.

The fruit we eat empty stomach in the morning helps our stomach to clean in a better way. They relieve constipation. Therefore, it is important to have high-fiber fruit empty stomach. Some of the best fruits to eat first thing in the morning are watermelon, papayas, guavas, mangoes, pomegranates, and bananas.

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Many people prefer having a bowl full of fruit for breakfast. It is because fruit in the morning keeps us energetic throughout the day. If you are someone who loves eating fruits for breakfast then you must include different fruit on your plate. The best fruits to have in the morning include pineapple, cherry, kiwi, strawberries, and apples. Pineapple and cherry have anti-inflammatory properties which regulate your blood pressure and reduce heart diseases whereas kiwi and strawberries are very good immunity boosters. Having an apple in the morning helps in reducing belly fat as it has detox agents.

Also many suggest eating fruits at night helps us to sleep better but here is the right way. Having fruits right before sleeping increases blood sugar while having fruits a few hours before makes you relax and promotes good sleep. Pineapples, Avocados, Kiwi are some fruits that are best suitable for nighttime.


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